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 PikaLilo11's Albums
 PikaLilo11's Pikachu and Lilo
PikaLilo11's Pikachu and Lilo

Not finished yet but here is a 3x6x7 cage I made it into 2 cages now.

Dinner Time

LeLe's back side

LeLe this is Pikachu and Lilo baby, she is beautiful and belongs to a friend of my girlfriend

I see you mommy

I love Lilo he is so gentle. My goddaughter loves him

My Pikachu fat momma

Look mommy i'm about to fly

Lilo and Pikachu's Joey

My babies, I love them so much
PikaLilo11's Pikachu and Lilo
 Photo Albums
 PikaLilo11's Albums
 PikaLilo11's Pikachu and Lilo