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 Who wants to meet me?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kazko Posted - Apr 19 2009 : 05:18:02 PM
Who wants to meet me in person, why, and where are you? Im ok with hugs and kisses, debates over coffee, beer or lunch, and Im ok with being beat up; Im quite used to it.

Let me have it. And keep in mind that you could get your wish.

And no, you wont get banned if you openly hate me; but you will if you cause problems on the forum.

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
RChurch Posted - Apr 01 2012 : 02:30:50 PM
Oh gosh and ed and gail from lgrs too! (Big thanks to you guys for helping us w/our intros of batman and catwoman. Wow, seems so long ago but in fact, it wasn't.
RChurch Posted - Apr 01 2012 : 02:26:25 PM
VE, you are def on that list of gg ppl I wanna meet! Omisandkaisgrandma, dpatters, jazzandzoeysmom, sjones, catman, …so many I can't name you all!
viciousencounters Posted - Apr 01 2012 : 02:12:26 PM
Originally posted by RChurch

I wanna meet you because 1) I think you're cool, and 2) I wanna meet other suggie slaves I general.

BUT what I want (what I really, really want) is a GG Convention. Big scale. You know, like take over a hotel kind of convention with workshops and discussion panels.

It should also be in Albuquerque......that is right, you come to me...
RChurch Posted - Apr 01 2012 : 01:31:13 PM
I wanna meet you because 1) I think you're cool, and 2) I wanna meet other suggie slaves I general.

BUT what I want (what I really, really want) is a GG Convention. Big scale. You know, like take over a hotel kind of convention with workshops and discussion panels.
Omis n Kais g-ma Posted - Mar 31 2012 : 11:06:38 PM
I'd like to meet you. You seem like a pretty nice guys. Very knowledgeable as well. Besides, you own the only forum I really like. That make you the bees knees in my book.
GumdropTree Posted - Mar 31 2012 : 09:57:14 PM
I would like to meet you. I admire your knowledge of suggies and enjoy your sense of humor. I hope to go to the SGGA this year in July in St.Augustine Florida. Maybe I'll see you there.
kyro298 Posted - Jan 30 2012 : 03:58:43 PM
I am known for my possessiveness...
eschiavoni2 Posted - Jan 30 2012 : 02:28:14 PM
Come to Mentor, OH for a few beers!
Cora1 Posted - Jan 29 2012 : 04:09:36 PM
kazko Posted - Jan 29 2012 : 01:57:19 PM
What, you dont want anyone to meet me now? That's a bit possessive isnt it!
kyro298 Posted - Jan 29 2012 : 12:45:35 PM
This was from 2009.
Cora1 Posted - Jan 29 2012 : 10:20:54 AM
I am already blessed to have been to a few gatherings you were at(LGRS). Y'all He's shy until he gets comfortable, mischievious,easy to talk to, Hope to see him again in May! and Eric of course. Fun Times!
chewysmom Posted - Jan 29 2012 : 08:44:43 AM
Your post says your ok with hugs and kisses. So it doesn't matter if we are female or male?! :) I give wet kisses hehehe
Angela Posted - Jan 24 2012 : 09:40:09 AM
OH yeah you could deff hit Topeka, Ks!!!! I would love to see you too!!!
funfair Posted - Jan 24 2012 : 07:12:00 AM
Well after St Louis you could swing back west and hit Topeka ks. I would love for you to see my new glider room and meet the monkey. Hubby is a wizzzz on the smoker we could do dinner.
Mcglidercraze92 Posted - Jan 24 2012 : 05:00:13 AM
Farting= not classy
tink761 Posted - Nov 16 2009 : 09:08:36 PM
I would like to met you becouse you are such a neat person and I think Avis would love to met you too
Rita Posted - Oct 04 2009 : 07:28:24 PM
I have met Kazko and Eric - and let me tell you, they are two of the neatest guys I have met in years!!! Very intelligent, articulate, funny and not bad on the old eyes either!
Moriko Posted - Oct 04 2009 : 04:38:53 PM
Why: Mostly because I would love to meet all of your gliders and tap into even more of the knowledge you hold about gliders, rescues, ect.
My current resident: Alabama, pretty far away from the other glider owners in this forum. =(
kaitlynmarie013 Posted - May 29 2009 : 07:50:58 PM
Hmmm, you live in Plano??? That's where my fiance's dad lives. What a small world after all With all your information and knowledge, might just have to visit ya one day...
Rita Posted - May 26 2009 : 08:32:15 PM
Originally posted by Mom2MandG

Originally posted by Rita

Originally posted by Mom2MandG

If you do decide to meet up with Rita I am also in St. Louis and would love to meet Rita too! I would opt out of the farting part though...

Farting is mandatory....

Kazko is supposed to call me a couple of days before they get to St Louis. Ill let you know when that is. We would all love to meet you, too!!!

Oooooo really?! Let me know! I guess I will have to buy some beans...

Mom2MandG Posted - May 26 2009 : 11:45:31 AM
Originally posted by Rita

Originally posted by Mom2MandG

If you do decide to meet up with Rita I am also in St. Louis and would love to meet Rita too! I would opt out of the farting part though...

Farting is mandatory....

Kazko is supposed to call me a couple of days before they get to St Louis. Ill let you know when that is. We would all love to meet you, too!!!

Oooooo really?! Let me know! I guess I will have to buy some beans...
Mollysmom Posted - May 25 2009 : 01:02:30 PM
I'm intrigued by the interesting ideas you come up with, and all of the insight you share with everyone else on this forum! It's great! Not intrigued by the farts, though...

If you're ever up in the mitten, I know my hubby and I would love to meet ya!
Rita Posted - May 24 2009 : 11:27:54 PM
Originally posted by Mom2MandG

If you do decide to meet up with Rita I am also in St. Louis and would love to meet Rita too! I would opt out of the farting part though...

Farting is mandatory....

Kazko is supposed to call me a couple of days before they get to St Louis. Ill let you know when that is. We would all love to meet you, too!!!
Goldwinger Posted - May 24 2009 : 07:32:45 PM
It's just been recently Rita. Back in November I think I was the only one.
Rita Posted - May 18 2009 : 07:56:49 PM
I didnt realize we have so many people here from VA!
emtmom1917 Posted - May 17 2009 : 10:55:01 PM
you seem like a good person. next time you come thru va hit me up
suggieluvr Posted - May 16 2009 : 11:03:20 AM
If you ever come through north eastern Ohio I would love to meet you! Why you ask? Why not! If you want to fight, we can do that as well. I think you are hilarious and very knowledgeable. Those 2 things normally don't go together! So, you pay for gas and find you way here, and I will provide beer and food!
dclements21 Posted - May 16 2009 : 10:00:38 AM
I definitely want to meet you! I would love to see the face behind those super intelligent answers you give!!

If you are ever cruising through Richmond, Virginia, give me a shout! I love Saturday morning coffee and always love engaging in intelligent conversations.
Goldwinger Posted - May 15 2009 : 01:13:48 AM
I love meeting new people and I really really love coffee. I'd enjoy good conversation, showing you my babies and then giving you a tour of our beautiful area in the state of Virginia. Of course one day I'd love to visit Texas since I've never been there. If you have coffee I might just show up.