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T O P I C    R E V I E W
duckiebeewarren Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 10:19:30 AM
I understand the laws of California on sugar gliders. I don't need anyone lecturing me about this topic.... I have done my research. We are from Ohio and I have had my 3 suggies for 4 years now. We just graduated college (WOOHOO) and off to the real world, Cali here we come! My bf's job is transferring him to Cali... as of now it is temporary... could be 2 months could be 2 years. :(
For the mean time I am keeping my suggies with my mom. I want my male to get fixed so I can stop separating them when the females are in heat.
What if we end up being in Cali for more than a year and I do decide to bring my suggies to Cali with me... (I would of course always make sure they had vet care when needed. Either I went to a vet in Cali that DOES treat them or I would go elsewhere out of state.) They are my children and I can't part with them... I am sure other suggie parents understand. SO with this situation being explained. To those out there that have experience personally with California. If the time ever comes and I do bring them to Cali with me how strict are they on the law of sugar gliders once they are in the state? And please reassure me about getting them past the border inspection. I have never been to Cali so I am not sure what it is like.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sorr 714 Posted - Feb 25 2017 : 08:19:01 PM
California has a law that if you own exotic pets that are illegal to own, and they need to see a vet, they can get all the care they need without fear of having them confiscated. This is probably way to late for you but you can pass the info along toothers.
duckiebeewarren Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 11:41:43 AM
My computer froze and double posted... WOOPS sorry guys. #128524;
duckiebeewarren Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 11:38:09 AM
Thank you Candy for that, it is completely understandable. I would take the same precautions. I was hoping that someone that either knows someone that has had sugar gliders or at one time did own sugar gliders in Cali could give me a better insight on how California regards sugar gliders. I know it is illegal to own/transport sugar gliders in California but it doesn't mean people still don't have them. I will appreciate any insight someone has for me on how they regard the law once you do enter California, vets that treat them, and how people even are able to get their suggies past inspection entering the state. I will be leaving my sugar gliders in Ohio for the mean time. Hopefully they send us in a few months to a different state for our permanent office for his job but if not I would like to hear what others have to say about it. I am assuming since we will be coming from Ohio/Indiana they will do a more thorough inspection on the vehicle than if we were coming from a neighboring area. I have never been to Cali so I was curious how entering the state works.
duckiebeewarren Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 11:29:51 AM
Thank you for that it is completely understandable. I would take the same precautions. I was hoping that someone that either knows someone that has had sugar gliders or at one time did own sugar gliders in Cali could give me a better insight on how California regards sugar gliders. I know it is illegal to own/transport sugar gliders in California but it doesn't mean people still don't have them. I will appreciate any insight someone has for me on how they regard the law once you do enter California, vets that treat them, and how people even are able to get their suggies past inspection entering the state. I will be leaving my sugar gliders in Ohio for the mean time. Hopefully they send us in a few months to a different state for our permanent office for his job but if not I would like to hear what others have to say about it. I am assuming since we will be coming from Ohio/Indiana they will do a more thorough inspection on the vehicle than if we were coming from a neighboring area. I have never been to Cali so I was curious how entering the state works.
Candy Posted - Aug 28 2014 : 11:08:38 AM
You may not get many replies from owners that currently have gliders living in California. Most hesitate to state on a public forum that they actually do have gliders in an illegal state.