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 Sugar glider acting funny please help

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kyrarenee Posted - Jul 24 2016 : 01:09:55 AM
Hi I just got my sugar glider recently who's had a little bit of a rough life
She was first w my grandma, then got gave to my mom for about 3 months, then she got kicked out so she stayed somewhere else then got moved again and stayed there with out my mom for about 2 months, that's when I finally got her.
She hadn't had the sugar glider food for like 5 months since my mom had gotten kicked out. As soon as I got her I went and got the food & she's been eating it fine, however I don't think she's drinking as she should. Within the week 1/2 Iv had her I haven't had to fill up her water at all which wasn't normal.
She hasn't been active at night like she used too. She's up at weird times like off and on during the day for probably 10-20 minutes then goes back to bed. When we let her out of her cage she will run around for a bit (she can't jump hardly either) but she will go back in her cage when she's done and goes back to sleep.
She also lets me pet her wherever which was never allowed 8 months ago when my mom first got her. I can pet her head and under her chin or stomach without her screeching or even caring hardly.

Someone please help me!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kyrarenee Posted - Jul 24 2016 : 04:22:10 PM
When she was w the people through those 5 months she was eating baby food. But when I was with my mom in the apartment she hardly let anyone pet her other then my mom who she was bonded with.
Thank you for letting me know nothings wrong
BYK_Chainsaw Posted - Jul 24 2016 : 10:33:09 AM
PLZ help you?
I'm confused? help you with what?
Your glider sounds normal mostly. If gliders getting the right food, they
drink very little water. I have one that seems to like drinking water, but I almost never see the others drink from the bottle.
during the day, our gliders sleep then wake and groom each other, then sleep again. so getting up and checking out the cage for a few minutes doesnt sound like a big deal. specially if he/she is in a new cage or with new owners.
Candy Posted - Jul 24 2016 : 09:43:29 AM
Welcome to the forum.

A little more information about your glider would be helpful.

How old is she and has she always been alone? Gliders are colony animals and some just do not do well by themselves.

What feeding plan are you following? Are you following the staple recipe exactly as written? Are you feeding the fruits and vegetables recommended for the staple you have chosen to ensure the overall diet is well balanced and provides adequate protein, vitamins, and most importantly adequate calcium?

What WAS she fed for the 5 months that she did not get the "sugar glider food"? If you are referring to any type of pellet food as the main nutrient source in her diet - you may want to look at other feeding plans.

Pellet foods do not meet the nutritional needs of sugar gliders and may be difficult for them to digest well. Long term this could cause severe health issues.

I have links to a number of widely used feeding plans on my web page (left column) along with my own GliderKids Feeding Plan on my web page to help you locate information on these time tested diets that have kept gliders healthy for many years.

Being awake during the day could be a sign of illness. A vet check up would be a good idea if this has not already been done since she came back into your care.

Gliders do not drink much water - their fluid needs are met by the juicy fruits and vegetables offered each night along with a nectar like staple that meets their protein, vitamin and calcium needs.

Being awake during the day could also be due to the lighting situation in the area her cage is located. Gliders need light during normal daylight hours to cue their normal nocturnal sleep habits. If the room is dark during the daytime their sleep hours become irregular.

Gliders also need the room dark at night when they are supposed to be awake and active. If there are lights on late into the evening gliders may just stay in their pouch later and later - until the lights are turned off. My gliders are located in a sun room with windows on 3 walls. They are asleep before sun-up and wake up about half an hour after full sundown. If I leave a lamp on in the room they will not come out even if their food is in the cage until I have turned it off.

Once you are sure she is healthy, have her eating a well balanced diet and sleeping regularly during the day - please consider getting her a cage mate. Gliders are colony animals and really do best, and are more active, with a companion of their own kind.