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 What kind of protein can I give my glider

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Just2sweet Posted - May 09 2017 : 05:51:22 PM
I have my gliders on the fresh diet. I use boiled egg and cooked chicken for protein, with the occasional meal worm. This does however give my glider a rather strong smell. What type of protein could I use that will not? Preferably one I can get locally and inexpensive.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Just2sweet Posted - May 10 2017 : 04:15:38 PM
I was told that the diet was called fresh. But after looking up the TPG diet, I realized that it is the one I am using.
I have a male that is not neutered. I just got two more gliders that dont smell so bad and I was a bit worried that once I switch them to the tpg diet that they too would start smelling more (but obviously not as much as my un-neutered male).
I have heard that some kinds of protein make gliders more smelly. That is why I was wondering if anyone has had good experiences with other types of protein.
BennyNace Posted - May 10 2017 : 11:00:57 AM
My boys had a very "special" smell before they were neutered lol now they hardly have any smell. I have read that high amounts of protein can make their urine smell stronger. I can't remember where, I'm sorry. But u agree with emris about the diet if they're already neutered.
Emris Posted - May 10 2017 : 10:44:06 AM
First off I recommend you get your glider on a staple diet like the Bml, tpg, or critter love. These diets are balanced and known for offering all the vitamins and minerals gliders need to be healthy.

Secondly, what gender is your glider? If they're male are they neutered? Unneutered males are going to smell strongly regardless of diet.

As far as I'm aware diet doesn't dramatically affect the glider smell, it's just apart of owning these guys.