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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Jun 13 2012
10:30:22 PM
I have warned everyone not to feed my gliders anything unless I have specifically said they could.

Well, my son, in his infinite wisdom was eating pineapple chunks. And decided that since it was a fruit he would give them some.

About 2 seconds later I hear my son screaming for me."MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" So, I go running.

I get into the room and stop short. My son is sitting on the floor, cage door open and a chunk of pineapple on his forehead.

I tried all I could, not to laugh at him. I knew what happened but wanted to hear it from him.

The story starts like this "I know you said not to feed the gliders but, I see you give them pineapple in their blendy things. So, I thought I'd give them some." "And do you what they did mom? They threw it at me. Moji threw it right at me. Not out of the cage mom, AT ME"

I just hung my head and laughed.

"I told you not to feed the gliders didn't I?"

"Yes, Mom"

"Now, why would I say to do that? Even though you are 17, didn't you think I had a reason?"

"I know, but"

"But nothing, they don't like chunks and they don't like pineapple. I have to sneak it in their food"

He looks at Moji,"Tattletale!"

I just walked off laughing.
Default, miscellaneous
Jun 13 2012
10:33:13 PM
ResaJane Face Hugger Visit ResaJane's Photo Album 411 Posts
Now THAT is an awesome story lmao!

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Jun 13 2012
11:02:18 PM
Rukiya Glider USA 121 Posts
ROTFLMAO! Didn't I tell you!! But....
Jun 14 2012
10:06:51 AM
som3randomp3rson Face Hugger Visit som3randomp3rson's Photo Album 971 Posts

Technically your son is the one who tattled.

That's a really cute story. I'm impressed your gliders have such good aim!
Jun 14 2012
10:10:23 AM
PrimoWorks Joey GliderMap Visit PrimoWorks's Photo Album USA 47 Posts
Glider = 1
Teen = 0

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders