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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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Apr 06 2012
12:33:38 PM
So I'm new to sugar gliders and I need to know the best, fastest, easist way to bond with my glider. And also how to get him into his bonding pouch without him getting mad. Thank you.
Research Information
Apr 06 2012
02:05:24 PM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
You may want to repost this up top where it will get more views. This bottom part is for "off glider topics."

Bonding is going to take time but a good start is using a bonding pouch or letting him/her have free reign inside your shirt. I currently, as usual, have 5 dangling off of various areas inbetween by tshirt and sweatshirt. At night or early morning you could try "tent time." Pop up a tent and just sit in their with him while he explores. If you don't have a tent, use a glider-proofed bathroom or bedroom.

When they are still new and bitie, crabby... it's easiest to remove them from the cage while they are IN their sleeping pouch. Try to avoid "grabbing" at him or chasing him around the cage...they really don't like that.

Once he calms down you can simply place your arm in and let him come to you.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
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