oh one important thing HPW Complete (glider gravy) must be given with specific fruit/veggies you should look through the above diet info for details.
Also things to ditch if you got them from PPP.
1)heating rock, replace with a pouch off the floor. The heating rocks can burn your babies.
2)heat lamp, same as above.
3)Gidermins (the sprinkle vitamins) I was told to ditch these they aren't good for babies.
4) Pellets (can be used as a treats but most people recommend throwing them out).
5) Don't put apple juice or anything else in water bottle. (I did use a small shallow dish of water until mine was bigger and preferred to use the water bottle... she would even play in the water in the beginning.. silly girl.)
Get a pouch so your babies can get off the floor, cut small pieces of fleece that you sleep with and put in their pouch so they learn your scent. If like me you bought only one you will want to get it a friend they do better with buddies.
In the future you will want to get a bigger cage but in the meantime you can remove the center shelf and ladder thing so that the cage is more open and allows the glider more toys and room. I even fit a fastrack wheel into the cage.
Welcome again!