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Perfect Pocket Pets (PPP) were at our mall this weekend
Perfect Pocket Pets (PPP) were at our mall this weekend
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Jul 05 2012
11:32:23 PM
We went shopping at the mall in our city (Esplanade Mall in Kenner,La)this weekend and Perfect Pocket Pets (PPP) were there. I have heard the horror stories but to see them in person, listen to their lies and BS, seeing how they treated their gliders, seeing how many babies they had in 2 18"L x 30"W x 30"H cages (one for males and one for females each had around 30 or so) and watching SO many people buying on impulse believing everything they were told about them only costing $9 a month to take care of, NEVER needing to go to the vet, no smells, etc. I wanted to do things that I would have ended up in jail for a long long time for to them (PPP) for doing what they were doing but thank god I had a little more control than that. So I did the next best thing I could think of and printed about 50-60 flyers and put them outside all of the entrances with websites and more truthful info. Unfortunately that was all the paper I had at the time at the house and I didnt have enough time to get more or stay to warn more people but I have a feeling craigslist is going to be filled with these babies in my area very soon. Why wont the USDA do anything about this?!?!?!? Anyway sorry for the rant, but I just wanted to share what I witnessed this weekend.
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Jul 06 2012
06:19:18 AM
KritterCare Face Hugger Visit KritterCare's Photo Album KritterCare's Journal USA 633 Posts
Contact the Mill Breeder Project about it. I don't have the link but I'm sure someone will offer it to you soon.
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Jul 06 2012
09:32:27 AM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
Contact Linda Sardou
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Jul 06 2012
01:48:06 PM
valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes Visit valkyriemome's Photo Album USA 3479 Posts
And be prepared for a sudden wave of sugar gliders on Craigslist in the next 6 weeks or so. :(
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Jul 13 2012
12:15:35 AM
SuggieSpoiler Super Glider Visit SuggieSpoiler's Photo Album FL, USA 278 Posts
I can't stand PPP! They were at my mall exactly a week ago. I was actually happy because no one was crouded by them. The only person I saw was the guy who worked there. Man, they annoy the crap out of me. I felt bad for the sugar glider the guy was holding. I had to literally keep walking past them, otherwise they would have to escourt me out of the mall. I feel bad for all of those poor sugar gliders. :(
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Jul 15 2012
12:00:01 AM
SugarGlider94 Joey Visit SugarGlider94's Photo Album USA 10 Posts
My friend and I fell into getting a "perfect pocket pet". We should of did research to avoid them, but we didn't. We had in all honesty, never heard of a Sugar Glider. We of course fell in love with those adorable big eyed tiny creatures! We ended up getting a little female named Grace at the time. She went to go live with my friend, instead of me. My friend ended up not being able to care for her, so she asked me if I wanted her. I asked my parents and they said yes. I then got Grace to my place, and Grace didn't fit this little bundle of wildness, so I named her Eliza. Eliza was not tamed at all. My friend had trouble in that area, so it took me weeks to where I could stick my hand in the cage, put food in there, and let her sniff me. It took a few months to where I could eventually just stick my hand in there, and pick her up and take her out. I thank God everyday for the gift of patience. Without that gift, I wouldn't have had my little Sugar Glider eventually bond to me, and give me love in return. She sadly passed away on June 27, 2012. She is very much missed! RIP Eliza!!
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Jul 15 2012
12:01:43 AM
SugarGlider94 Joey Visit SugarGlider94's Photo Album USA 10 Posts
With all that being said above, I will NOT go to PPP ever again! I am going to be rescuing and going to reputable breeders for now on.
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Jul 15 2012
02:00:58 PM
ResaJane Face Hugger Visit ResaJane's Photo Album 411 Posts
Would it have been considered breaking the law if you had told those potential customers the truth???? Putting those flyers up was a great idea! I wonder how often PPP is in the Chesapeake, VA area....I'd love to thrawrt their sales plans lol.

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Jul 15 2012
08:10:06 PM
SugarGlider94 Joey Visit SugarGlider94's Photo Album USA 10 Posts
Originally posted by ResaJane

Would it have been considered breaking the law if you had told those potential customers the truth???? Putting those flyers up was a great idea! I wonder how often PPP is in the Chesapeake, VA area....I'd love to thrawrt their sales plans lol.


The next time I see PPP I am going to ask them some questions.
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Jul 15 2012
10:06:38 PM
nolaglider Super Glider Visit nolaglider's Photo Album USA 243 Posts
Been there, done that... They act like YOU know NOTHING about the animals and that they wrote the book on "Sugar/Honey Bears in Captivity"....fools.
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Jul 15 2012
11:46:37 PM
okusandman Face Hugger Visit okusandman's Photo Album 870 Posts

Seeing them in the mall and getting their literature is how I got interested in gliders actually, but I didn't make an impulse purchase. I went home and read more about them (unfortunately on their web site). I picked my girls up from Craigslist about a week later and quickly learned that the PP people are so, so wrong and misleading people about just about everything. They should be due for a class action lawsuit IMHO.
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Jul 15 2012
11:55:13 PM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
If you contact Linda Sardou with the Millbreeder Project she can give you advice on how to handle them when they come to your mall.

You have to be tactful...they are always aware of us "fanatics" and have mall security waiting to escort you out of the mall.

Remember, they tell their customers not to listen to forums or go anywhere on the internet other than their site to gain information because everyone else is wrong. You don't want to go off half cocked and ranting about their lies because YOU end up looking like the fanatic they claim you are in front of a bunch of strangers which they then sell as "making their point." You don't want that.

Contact Linda, she can supply you with handouts and such and tell you what you can & can't legally say.
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Jul 22 2012
11:05:44 AM
Alybear Glider Visit Alybear's Photo Album Alybear's Journal USA 110 Posts
PPP was at my mall about a month ago. I'll admit, I didn't know very much about sugar gliders and was convinced of everything they told me. That's why I got one. Thats where I got the idea to get Stitch. Once i had him, I came to realize more and more how totally WRONG they were. That's why I'm glads to be on this site because every day i learn something new that was almost the opposite of what ppp told me
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Jul 26 2012
10:51:01 PM
sugarmomof5 Glider Visit sugarmomof5's Photo Album VA, USA 186 Posts
I can honestly say that I purchased one from ppp a little over a year ago on impulse. I had no idea what they were they we're just too cute had to have one. After getting her I read up on them and can I just say,ppp doesn't tell u all the information u need. Since honey I now have 5 of them and I am glad that I did purchase one on impulse. However I wouldn't suggest anyone else to do so they do take a lot of my time but I wouldn't change a thing and I have no regrets on getting her from ppp.
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Aug 03 2012
10:46:49 PM
melinda Joey 21 Posts
I'm a new mommy that purchased from pocket petts in april! Yes, it was an impulse buy! But I will never regret it!! Fortunately I got 2 since I work nights, and they did say that it was best to have more than one, but NOT ESSENTIAL... I definately agree that they didn't prepare you for how important diet was! For the first 6 weeks only pellets and apple! I'm glad my babies didn't starve! Oh, and also add gatorade to the water, not even mentioning ANYTHING about phosphorus ratios! It breaks my heart when I wonder what would have happened to my babies if I hadn't brought them home! As I'm writing this, I'm being used as a trampoline by the little girl...
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Aug 03 2012
10:56:21 PM
melinda Joey 21 Posts
I also would like to thank Lucky Glider Rescue for posting on Youtube! For the info and inspiring me to find a local sugar glider rescue here in my town (ocala,fl)! Great places toget the honest facts about suggies and volunteer to help...
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Aug 04 2012
07:31:51 AM
mobilewasher Joey GliderMap Visit mobilewasher's Photo Album USA 32 Posts
Seeing them in the mall is how I got interested also, but they really don't like it when you start asking questions about how they really are once you get them home. As soon as I started asking for more information they had me pulled out of the crowd and off to the other side of their set-up where they just handed me a flyer (about their web site) and that was it. After that I went and did a bunch of research and got my first pair from CL a year later (I bet they came from people who bought at the mall where I first saw them). Now I have 6 and all have been rescued from people who bought them without doing any research first.
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Aug 07 2012
05:37:13 PM
thebombdotcom Joey 33 Posts
I will admit that I didn't do any research either before buying mine. The girl I bought mine from was pretty honest though. She gave me EVERYTHING I needed to care for him.

Since having him home and doing my own research I have come to find out that most of the PPP website is very misleading. Especially the "pet friendly" portion. I know how much work these guys are and to me it's not that much. But I also don't work and am home most of the time.
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Aug 08 2012
02:53:53 PM
britetigr Glider Visit britetigr's Photo Album 107 Posts
I must admit it to, Pocket Pet was at the mall last weekend and I was hooked! My husband who has never really cared for any of the exotic animals I owned, liked them to. But I am very thankful that I went home and did some research and found a reputable breeder close by. In about 3 weeks I will be bringing home twin 8 week old boys, Jordan and Morgan ( named after male gymnasts ;-) I'm working on getting their cage all set up now :-D can't wait!
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Sep 16 2012
11:02:45 PM
Elementronix Joey Visit Elementronix's Photo Album 21 Posts
So damn sad how the USDA doesn't do anything, can't they see what's going on? ANIMAL ABUSE. They're no use, I saw PPP (I have my own name for them, but that's not allowed here) on the Minnesota news on YouTube. When I see them, Ima wear special "Anti-PPP shirts", giving some information. I'll come up to them and be like, WASSAP Pocket Pet People! Been so long! *Raises eyebrows twice* Now I'm just wondering can they say anything..? I mean I'm just SAYING Hi! >:) I can't wear a shirt I like!? And I will design flyers on photoshop and spend a moderate amount of money placing fliers outside of the mall. Watch the PPP B****'s take all of them and trash em. Ima just pass em out, and leave remaining there. Poor cuties being abused...
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Oct 13 2012
11:04:17 AM
gliderfam Joey 11 Posts
Wow it's amazing that is how I came to have sugar gliders too. my husband has told me he wanted one years ago I had no idea what he was talking about then he showed me a picture of a bald one well least it looked bald to me lol I said Eww and said that thing ain't living in my house. About a year ago we went to the mall saw pocket pets and I immediately fell in love. My husband got excited and said that's what he always wanted right away I said I want one we looked at the guy and how he had it in his pocket and trained very well. We spoke to him and he was feeding us a bunch of garbage on how they are extremely easy to tame and take care of they don't need vets and they only mate once every three years so I thought to myself cool that's not bad at all. So I asked how much he told me 500 and I get a dinky lil cage for 800 I can have two gliders he swore up and down I couldn't find them anywhere else and especially not cheaper. Well being that i'm poor as is them things wasn't that cute where I was gonna spend 5-800 dollars. So I went home did research and learned how to truly care for them and I found them for much cheaper. My first glider I purchased was 50 bucks she was a rescue a month later I got two from a breeder for 200 and that was a brother and sister pair so far the brother and my rescue have had three Joeys and it damn sure hasn't been no three years. I have read so many horror stories about pocket pets even spoke to a lady in the pet store who said the cage they give you is unsafe and has killed her glider and a few friends. I'm glad they came to my area because if I never saw a suggie I wouldn't have 7 now i'm also glad I did extensive research.
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Oct 13 2012
01:25:12 PM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
No they don't sadly but LSardou here will I hope it takes you to the page you can send her a message.
Originally posted by Elementronix

So damn sad how the USDA doesn't do anything, can't they see what's going on? ANIMAL ABUSE. They're no use, I saw PPP (I have my own name for them, but that's not allowed here) on the Minnesota news on YouTube. When I see them, Ima wear special "Anti-PPP shirts", giving some information. I'll come up to them and be like, WASSAP Pocket Pet People! Been so long! *Raises eyebrows twice* Now I'm just wondering can they say anything..? I mean I'm just SAYING Hi! >:) I can't wear a shirt I like!? And I will design flyers on photoshop and spend a moderate amount of money placing fliers outside of the mall. Watch the PPP B****'s take all of them and trash em. Ima just pass em out, and leave remaining there. Poor cuties being abused...

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Jan 09 2013
03:25:15 PM
Mrs.Ameretsu Starting Member 1 Posts
I have to ask, mostly because I saw one of these at my mall, what do they lie about?
I have asked about phosphorus ratios and they told me, I asked about the chittering and barking and they told me, and the guy even told me there are better cages for the sugar gliders but at basically 200 bucks they were a "steal".

Now don't get me wrong, if they are passing around false information, which likely they are, what are they lying about? I realize they are a mill but as I don't exactly know how those work I can't understand the horror behind the word either.

So... I guess, could someone say specifically what they lie or mislead people about? Because I'm kinda hooked on the idea of getting on but I don't want to support an abusive corporation.
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Jan 09 2013
05:10:04 PM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
I think mostly misleading information is what I've heard they tell. Pellets and apple diet is all they need (thats like saying you can live healthy off cereal all your life). They can live alone (they are colony animals. They need others just like themselves). They make great pets for kids ( no, they don't, they don't like to be handled and kids want to handle them), they never need to see a vet (not true. They get ill and they most certainly can get ill and hide it well until its too late) They can get along with other animals (they should never be around other animals. ) You may think yo know your cat or dog well enough to trust them but these little guys are very fast and cats like to chase anything that runs. Cat saliva is toxic to gliders. From what I've heard they will sell under age joeys. I don't know all this for a fact as I have not dealt with them personally but the two gliders I took in in the past year were Pocket Pet gliders and those were the stories they told me. PP monitors these forums so you can't say anything about them really.
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Feb 02 2014
10:44:14 PM
Tigger1992 Starting Member Visit Tigger1992's Photo Album 5 Posts
PPP was in Clarksville right before Christmas and I must say that I was put under their spell. No smells, only have a drop or two of pee or poop, only costs $9 a month, can feed them nuts, very sweet, and that they will stay in your pocket all day. I cant believe I feel for their lies. They never mentioned the barking or biting. Even though I love my babies, I was rather disappointed in what I had gotten myself into. They barked all the time, they stunk, and they chew up their food and would spit it out.the guy said I would only have to clean the cage once every two weks. I have to clean it every other day.
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Mar 03 2014
04:05:18 PM
telithal Starting Member 1 Posts
I feel like I'm in good company - so many of these posts mention hearing about PPP for the first time at an expo or the mall. I purchased two, Hagrid and The Dude a week and a half ago and since then have purchased a much bigger cage, better food, the whole nine. My husband is nuts about reading up on everything (and its a good thing). I really appreciate that there's a site like this for advice and tidbits. Also, (this is the more exciting part) I've been taking them out one at a time in the bonding pouch to snuggle on my chest for a few hours in the evening while i crochet or do paperwork. I was petting Hagrid's head today and stopped - he chirpped and snuggled in deeper so I would continue! Very excited
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Mar 03 2014
06:14:58 PM
indiccarose Glider Visit indiccarose's Photo Album 114 Posts
Today they told me they love chicken nuggets.
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Apr 02 2014
04:11:02 PM
Kimalynn Starting Member 4 Posts
My husband and i saw PPP at our mall a year ago, and we too fell into the trap. We got one baby and named him Momo, who was adorable. We had him for a day when we started doing more research and found out how terrible PPP was and how useless their products were. So we completely revamped Momo's diet and ordered all this new stuff for him. By Day 3 we noticed a bald spot on Momo's tail, and aware of self-mutilation we rushed him to the vet. Turns out Momo's tail had been broken an entire MONTH and Momo was chewing it off because it was rotten. I was furious when I heard about it and when I went back to work my husband decided to go back to PPP who was still at the mall. They took Momo because they said they had vets that will take care of him (which frankly i didn't believe and really I didn't want my husband to take him back) and they persuaded my husband to take their personal snuggie. So we ended up with Flora the Explora who's as happy and healthy as a clam. We eventually got her a friend, Luna, after Flora bonded to us. So I guess it worked out in the end, but the way I feel about it is, if your unable to tell that your gliders are in medical need, then you have no business selling them. It's just terrible. And those heat rocks?! Ridiculous. I saw them in the mall this year and as I passed by I shouted to the crowd not to buy from these people and to put them out of business. I even called the Mall administrators asking that they refuse to let PPP do business there but it just falls on deaf ears.

If any of you see these people PLEASE call them out on their bs.
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Apr 02 2014
04:29:31 PM
ang211 Super Glider Visit ang211's Photo Album 317 Posts
The last time they were at our mall they asked me to leave! I was calling them out on their BS and they didn't like that!
Perfect Pocket Pets (PPP) were at our mall this weekend

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Perfect Pocket Pets (PPP) were at our mall this weekend