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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
bonding and play time
bonding and play time
Apr 14 2014
01:30:41 PM
I am a new sugar glider owner. I don't have a background information on them. I have two males. A friend found the two left in her rental house and did not know what to do with them. So, I am an animal lover.I knew information about so, I decide to take them in. I had them for a month now. they eat very well for me. They will take food from me. I can go in the cage without them freaking out. they seem to like to be in my hoodie when they are out of the cage. I try to get them to go on the floor and play with me. But they run back into my hoodie. They are in my hoodie any where from 2-3 hours a day every day. I was just wondering if this normal for them not want to play or have free time outside the cage. When I take them out, they have to be the pouch because they dont like it if I pick them up by hand. they go from the pouch to the hoodie I wear with no problem. Any ideas for toys for them? I have alot of things I hide their food in for them to hunt it out. But having a hard time finding a toy they like? Is this normal? Am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks for your input
Apr 14 2014
01:41:04 PM
shannonlcorum Face Hugger Visit shannonlcorum's Photo Album 538 Posts
There is a lot of information about gliders in the gliderpedia section (link above). You need to make sure you are giving them a good diet with a staple food plus their fruits and veggies.

For toys, you want to steer clear of things with string or little pieces they can put in their mouth. Any kind of string poses strangulation and amputation hazards. They are like little toddlers so think of things you could give a baby. I actually buy baby toys for mine.

As for playtime, maybe you need to take them into a small area, like a bathroom that's glider proofed (closed toilet lid, closed drains, all chemical/soap put up) and just sit in there while they investigate. Don;t wear a hoodie or anything that allows them to hide. I'd even take the pouch and sit on it so they can't just climb back in. At first they will be scared, but take in some treats and start coaxing them to interact with you.

Wow, I can't believe you friend found them in a rental house. That makes me so sad for them. But at least it sounds like they have someone who is going to be a better provider for them now.
Apr 14 2014
02:01:58 PM
AubreyBarto Super Glider GliderMap Visit AubreyBarto's Photo Album AubreyBarto's Journal USA 351 Posts
Originally posted by nkritzman

I try to get them to go on the floor and play with me. But they run back into my hoodie.

Make sure they are in an area that they feel secure (like mentioned above) a glider proofed bathroom or tent will help. Also keep an eye on how loud things like the TV are, and lights...try to have dimmer lights.

Fill a bathroom or tent up with toys, bring some treats and keep working on it. It is their natural instinct to not want to be on the ground. So it will take time for them to get used to it. At least in a bathroom they can climb up high and play.
Apr 14 2014
09:09:41 PM
anEgyptian Joey 33 Posts

It is their natural instinct to not want to be on the ground. So it will take time for them to get used to it. At least in a bathroom they can climb up high and play.

Aubrey I don't disagree but its funny my dude for the most part runs on the floor, under couches, on tables. A lot less climbing than i thought. He doesn't even attempt to climb the drapes. I'm like common man I would if I could then glide down!
bonding and play time

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
bonding and play time