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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Glider Stories
First mealworm experience interrupted by...
First mealworm experience interrupted by...
Jul 03 2014
06:08:02 PM
My glider's Teddybear and Diva are 8 months old. I bought my first mealworms and got ready to see some awesome excitement! I put them down...and nothing. They have no interest in the worms. But are strangely excited about my box of protein shakes. I kept showing them the worms they ate one or two, and would return to the protein shake box... So I look inside and see a large something in there. I reach in having no clue what it might be... turns out it is a crumb from an angel food cake from 3 days prior. I have no clue how it got in there though.
First mealworm experience interrupted by...

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Glider Stories
First mealworm experience interrupted by...