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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Glider Stories
Bragging time! I love my glider this much!
Bragging time! I love my glider this much!
Default, miscellaneous
Jul 16 2014
10:29:44 PM
I just need to tell someone. None of my friends understand. Fig Mynt is my very first glider and he has completely stolen my heart! He snuggles with me in bed, he finds his way back to his "condo" as I like to call it when he wants his pouch. He absolutely amazes me everyday with his huge personality. I love how he can be so independent but so dependent at the same time. I even enjoy waking up in the middle of the night to him barking bc be simply wants attention (this is probably bc he's so spoiled that he doesn't feel the need to bark often!). I will never understand how someone could just let such a loveable little critter go, or abuse/neglect one of these precious little bundles of joy! My glider is my heart and soul. Even though I've only had him for 5 and a half months, I cannot imagine my life without him. He brings joy to me everyday. He's trained to give kisses... It melts my heart everytime he gives kisses. He's such a loveable and loyal pet and he definitely gives my dogs some competition! I wish I could rescue all sugar gliders. My heart goes out to all the little sugar babies that are living in bad conditions bc I can't even imagine neglecting a baby as cute and sweet as mine!
Bragging time! I love my glider this much!

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Glider Stories
Bragging time! I love my glider this much!