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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
question about "happy glider" dry food from pet pro
question about "happy glider" dry food from pet pro
Food, Diet
Aug 23 2014
08:22:16 AM
Hi just had a question concerning this product. I know most here don't like pelleted food, but the concensios is it isn't terrible to leave a little dry food available as a back up snack. I have my girls on the HPW diet. They get plenty of fruits and veggies every night. Plus I offer a variety of treats hidden in their foraging cups too. Treats I've been rotating include acacia gum, Papya and other dried fruit treats, yogert drops or frozen real yogert chips I've made myself, meal worms, Cheerios, and chopped seasonal fruit we've gotten for ourselfs like water melon and catalope. After the advice I received here I pitched the pellets I bought originally but looked for a better dry food to leave as a back up mid day snack. I found several sites using this product called happy glider. Most I've talked to agree the chicken breeder formula is best. I've been leaving a little out for the girls. To be safe I pour a little HPW or green juice on it to wet it but not saturate it. I dont over wet it as i dont want it so wet it will go bad quicky and not be safe to leave out for day...i put it in in the morning before work. They are usually still up as i get up pretty early between 3-4 am. The girls actually seem to like it in comparison to the exoctic nutrition pellets I unknowing bought before bringing my baby's home.. I don't offer much...1 maybe 2 tablespoons tops for our now growing family of 4 girls. Is it ok that they are eating it regularly or should I rotate it like the treats? They are cleaning up their HPW, treats, and usually their fruit. They will also eat their veggies but seem to eat more fruit. say 2 nights clean up all the fruit and one night leave a little fruit and veggies will be gone. They never lick the bowls clean there is a little waste but I am offering the adult portions still even though my girls are babies. Rather than not feed enough I' d rather have a little waste. They are growing girls. anyway if anyone can offer their opinions on this food i'd like to hear it. Also your opinions on whether I should offer it intermittently rather than daily since they do seem to like it...worried it may ruin their appetites for the fresh foods if they are filling up on it. It doesn't seem to have done so yet, but its just my concern. Thanks. :)
Food, Diet
Aug 23 2014
02:10:04 PM
Minnesota Zoo Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Minnesota Zoo's Photo Album USA 1999 Posts
The pellets are generally not recommended because the ingredients used are corn, soy and animal and vegetable by-products and sometimes they are bird foods repacked for sugar gliders.

If any pellet has those listed, I would choose not to feed it.

I have found 2 pellets that are for gliders and are glider vet approved that you can get from SunCoast sugar gliders. If you really want to feed a pellet.

I use the 'Wholesome Balance Chicken and Brown Rice' pellet that is all human grade food ingredients. I give them a pellet or 2 each every few days as a snack for dental health. (If I left them in the cage they would choose to eat them over their dinner I want them to eat at night). The other one is call 'Zoo Keepers Secret' but it is a soft crumble type pellet and needs to be tossed every other day, as it dries out and they probably won't eat it(mine didn't when I used it for a while) but since it's soft it doesn't provide any dental benefit.

If your gliders are on a good nectar replacement staple diet(like HPW) and fresh/frozen fruits and veggies...they do not need the pellets as part of a staple diet and it will throw off the Calcium and phosphorus balance of their diet if they are eating them daily.

The other treats you listed are plenty good to keep some around in foraging places if they wanted a daytime snack.

My gliders never get up during the day to eat or drink. I wake them up to check on them after they go to bed for the day and give them a "bed time"snack.

Edited by - Minnesota Zoo on Aug 23 2014 02:11:34 PM
Food, Diet
Aug 24 2014
12:57:02 PM
BandP Super Glider Visit BandP's Photo Album 389 Posts
Our gliders eat all treats during the night that are left in foraging cups. No matter how many I leave, they eat them all.
The pellet we use is Exotic Nutrition Sugar Glider diet with Eucalyptus. I used to get the chicken and brown rice one Minnesota was talking about, but they stopped eating it. So we tried the new one somebody on here was talking about, saying their gliders just loved it since in the wild they feed on eucalyptus. So I got some and the first day their heads popped out of their pouch due to the smell, and they really like it. The other they just stopped eating and if they touched it, they just threw it around.
Food, Diet
Aug 29 2014
08:20:01 PM
FeathersNFur Super Glider Visit FeathersNFur's Photo Album USA 232 Posts
Happy Glider pellets are ok to be left in the cage. I would not use them as the glider's staple diet.

I use the Happy Glider Breeder Formula as the first ingredient is Chicken. I leave a little dish in the cages with about three of four pieces per glider in the dish. Replacing it every couple of days.
question about "happy glider" dry food from pet pro

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
question about "happy glider" dry food from pet pro