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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Possibly abused baby - help - getting worse... :(
Possibly abused baby - help - getting worse... :(
Nov 21 2014
03:00:04 PM
So here's the original post:
So I got a baby (3 months oop) from a careless owner who didn't want her...
So she's deign fine now physically, but I think she is mentally damaged...
She carbs at me and has bit me multiple times... hard... through my fingernail...
Both the vet and I think that she was abused... :(

I want to know the bast way of helping her get mentally better.
She does have a cage mate who she attaches herself to.

I will do anything for her.
And I am not giving up on her!

I have tried giving her tones of treats... and that worked for a bit...
but now she just bites me... when ever I get close to her she lashes out and tried to bite me...

I really want to help her... and I really am trying everything I can...

Maybe you guys have some ideas... I'll try anything
Nov 21 2014
03:53:10 PM
Otterun Super Glider Visit Otterun's Photo Album USA 232 Posts
Is this your first glider? Have you considered getting her a cage mate? What have you read about bonding? What helped a lot with my first crabby babies was trying to keep them with me in a bonding pouch during a day and making sure that their bedding had my scent on it. They gradually warmed up to me. Also, when you go to hold her, do so by wearing a fleece pouch over your hand, that way if she bites and scratches you won't be injured OR take her pouch out of the cage while she's in it and pet her through the fleece and talk to her so she learns you're not going to hurt her.

I haven't personally tried this, but it's a tip I read somewhere (I'm looking for the page and I'll link if I find it). But this guy had a really hard time getting his glider to stop biting. He got the glider out during the day by holding it in its pouch. He held a treat in between his fingers and would go to pet the glider. Every time the glider lunged and tried to bite him, the glider would only succeed in biting the treat. He kept doing this until the glider eventually stopped crabbing and biting because she learned to associate his touch with treats, so she didn't mind it. He ends with a small disclaimer saying that this is an okay thing to do only when you're having trouble and not something to try everyday -- gliders really shouldn't get too many treats.
Nov 21 2014
04:46:03 PM
vsJewel Glider Visit vsJewel's Photo Album USA 70 Posts
If the glider baby is only 3 months out of pouch you should only have had her a relatively short amount of time. That is taking into account the time to properly wean, and have a previous owner. Many gliders that are not abused can take months to warm up to you, and some just don't warm up all the way. I would use the advise the person above me has given you. Be calm and around them and give it time. 8267571 Mon 8-10u
Nov 21 2014
08:18:41 PM
astockd1 Face Hugger Visit astockd1's Photo Album 478 Posts
Two major points here

1) Shaken up gliders can take months to years to become comfortable in a new house and with a new person. You should give them a lot of alone time to adjust, but also as much love as they're willing to accept.

2) Gliders almost always do better emotionally and with adjustments if they have a cage mate. This is very important, and your girl may be depressed from loneliness in addition to everything else. Get her a cage mate immediately.

What happens if you sit in a room/tent with her and let her out? Don't touch her or handle her, just see if she'll jump around and play when you happen to be present. Will she? Or does she freeze or try to bite you nonstop? How often do you try this?
Nov 22 2014
05:08:43 AM
mousemhl1993 Joey Visit mousemhl1993's Photo Album 24 Posts
Thanks everyone for your advice.
Yes she has a cage mate :)
And she is probably about 4 months oop by now...

all I know for sure about her past, is that she was given to a daughter and then she was sold to be because she had bitten the daughter... and i know that she was also kept in a cruelly small cage... like... hamster small... with one pouch...

As for night times... when i bring her into the bathroom (I don't have a tent) she is a little freaked out for a bit... but then starts to move around as soon as she sees my other glider jumping all over the place

The aggression has seemed to get worse... and I'm just worried that she will start lashing out at my other glider...
Nov 22 2014
06:35:25 AM
AllieRyan Joey USA 37 Posts
I'm pretty new to glidership, but maybe I can help a little.

When she gets aggressive, how do you respond?
It's important to remain calm at all time. They'll soak up your emotions. If she bites, as hard as it may be, you can't jump back or yell or pull your hand away. If you do those things, she learns she can control you through biting and may bite more.

If you get bitten when giving treats, start offering treats on a spoon and talk to her a lot. That way, she'll get used to treats and your voice. You can even slowly try to pet her while giving treats.

My gliders were pretty calm when I first got them. I never had much crabbing or biting. I think I've been bitten maybe 3 or 4 times and once was by mistake. (I didn't remove my finger when the applesauce was gone.. lol)BUT the bonding pouch definitely helped me. I flooded them with everything about me. I kept them in the bonding pouch with me all day, and took them to the bathroom to play at night. I also always tried to talk to them, so they got used to my scent and smell.
Possibly abused baby - help - getting worse... :(

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Possibly abused baby - help - getting worse... :(