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Sugar Glider Runaway EMERGENCY.
Sugar Glider Runaway EMERGENCY.
Apr 21 2016
11:36:58 AM
I don't know why I'm posting this in all honesty, I don't know what good it will do me but if anyone has any advice please it is so needed.
I love my babies Stitch and Phoebe so so much. I let them run around the master bathroom all night every few nights. I leave their cage open in there and usually by morning they are asleep in their pouch. Phoebe escapes under the door all the time when I'm awake but Stitch never has before. But before I go to bed I put a towel down blocking her way out of the bathroom.
This morning I woke up and went to go check on them. They were gone. They are gone.
I'm freaking out and have been crying all morning because I've searched every possible place they could be. All over the bathroom, all over my boyfriend's messy room. Everywhere. The house is very big but I would say it's impossible they got under his bedroom door as I can't even fit one finger under it.
I am so so worried I can't even explain it. These babies are like my children. I love them more than anything :( I don't know what I will do if I don't find them or if something has happened to them. I will never forgive myself. Especially Phoebe, she's so bonded to me and won't know what to do :(
I'm scared they somehow got under the vent but.....why would both be missing that's what I don't understand. Unless they are just sleeping somewhere in this messy room, but I have been looking for hours just waiting to hear some crabbing or anything to tell me where they could have possibly gone :(
I feel like the worst owner ever and I try so hard to be the best. I need to find them I will never get over this if I don't :'(

Edited by - mermaidxjess on Apr 21 2016 11:40:51 AM
Apr 21 2016
11:44:14 AM
JLR Glider Visit JLR's Photo Album JLR's Journal Canada 95 Posts
Are there clothes hanging in a closet that they could have gotten into? I've heard of gliders finding a hood or a pocket to curl up in and fall asleep.
Apr 21 2016
11:56:44 AM
mermaidxjess Starting Member 5 Posts
That's why I'm trying not to worry too much because it is daytime so they would be sleeping.....I'm just so scared because I've checked literally every clothing item and hiding spot several times. I'm just hoping they will come out when it gets dark. I have to go to work soon and I don't want to leave them like this :(
Apr 21 2016
09:56:14 PM
Gayle Glider Visit Gayle's Photo Album Gayle's Journal USA 90 Posts
Any update?
Apr 22 2016
10:02:41 AM
vsJewel Glider Visit vsJewel's Photo Album USA 70 Posts
Put out food, water, and treats. Wait to night. Turn off all lights and anything that makes noise. Set yourself in a good place to listen for them. And wait. Wait until you hear them moving around.
Apr 22 2016
10:08:04 AM
vsJewel Glider Visit vsJewel's Photo Album USA 70 Posts
I found diva that way when she stopped to eat a yogurt drop and the chewing sound drew me right to her. Maybe at your disgression tut on lights and see if you see them out. But be careful that an cause the to go back into hiding.
Dec 22 2016
08:02:03 PM
KailahK Starting Member KailahK's Journal 2 Posts
I've got my babies trained to come to me when I make a squeaky toy sort of sound with my lips and teeth. It's very weird, but they find the sound odd enough to come to me and check it out. I'd try the same. Make an odd noise or a noise they might have associated with you. Keep major exits secure and wait it out. Good luck!
Dec 22 2016
09:47:30 PM
ExcitedMollyandSleepyMaia Starting Member USA 2 Posts
Originally posted by KailahK

I've got my babies trained to come to me when I make a squeaky toy sort of sound with my lips and teeth. It's very weird, but they find the sound odd enough to come to me and check it out. I'd try the same. Make an odd noise or a noise they might have associated with you. Keep major exits secure and wait it out. Good luck!

Hey there, how are you doing? I just wanted to ask if you found them and if everything was all right. Mine have run away on me as well, I know how frustrating it can be! I hope you find them and everything goes well. Good night!
Sugar Glider Runaway EMERGENCY.

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Sugar Glider Runaway EMERGENCY.