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Opinions on a Sugar Glider room
Opinions on a Sugar Glider room
Oct 13 2016
08:26:31 PM
I have a spare room I want to at least partially dedicate to my new sugar gliders. I was recently given two girls from a friend. I am new to caring for these wonderful little critters. However I've done a bit of research. I know gliders are very sensitive to many materials and a lot is toxic to them. I would appreciate educated opinions on what I could use to safely enclose my darling gliders? What could I line the wall with so they can climb up the walls? What type of wood or material can I make the structure out of? Most importantly I want it safe, easy to clean and as uncostly as possible.
My father is a talented carpenter so I just need instructions, as hes not familiar with exotic animal enclosures.
Can anyone help me out? :)
Oct 14 2016
07:12:44 AM
JLR Glider Visit JLR's Photo Album JLR's Journal Canada 95 Posts
Wood would be very hard to keep clean as gliders will go to the bathroom everywhere and the wood would soak it up. As gliders chew wood, I don't know of any paints or sealants that would be safe.
Oct 14 2016
07:51:06 AM
Kenj90 Starting Member 2 Posts
What would be a better material for the structure? I heard PVC is toxic to Gliders. Which only makes sense. It has high toxicity levels.
Oct 14 2016
01:45:46 PM
jdching Face Hugger 807 Posts
I have not heard of PVC being toxic to gliders. If you do some research on this site, many people have made their own cages.
Oct 16 2016
07:46:41 PM
Akasha140 Starting Member 8 Posts
My understanding is that for a while some cages that had PVC coating were toxic to them. However, cages made from PVC pipe and netting are fairly common. is the best tutorial I've found so far. Good luck.
Opinions on a Sugar Glider room

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Gliderpedia Discussion
Opinions on a Sugar Glider room