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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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Jul 05 2017
02:12:09 AM
So I'm 14...(back story) my grandma had a glider named Stella and I met her when I was 13 literally on my birthday...I loved her, sooo sad when she left, so I ended up doing a whole years worth of research and learned tons about them..pretty much convincing my grandma and my parents to get Stella. I was able to play with her every day 1-2 times..well the thing was she had a HAMSTER CAGE! Like what?? So a few months went by, and I told my parents this can't me good for her...essentially convincing them to get her a bigger and better cage. So they start looking and they found good deals, lots of cages and stuff. (Yes Ik she needed a friend) so my parents came across a deal in which came with a cage 2 gliders (male and female) and all their stuff..yay! Great friends and fun and all around good. We took that deal and found another deal for another cage and travel cage all good sizes. So we placed both cages next to each other hopefully getting them used to each other and slowly introducing them...well it came time to introduce them using the bathtub method. It went well! So we do it one more time the next day and we decide they should be good together. Keep in mind they were not fertile yet and were a bit young. So a few weeks went by, and I realized the females were starting to fight..and we tried and tried to get them wasn't happening, we ended up separating them and trading the male between the two..eventually Stella gets pregnant, with lily and the male had to spend the most time taking care of her..after lily came to the appropriate age, we started to trade again, and after a while...he gets the original female he was with (Chloe) pregnate with two..a girl and boy. So that's 5and you think that's a lot? I mean they have 2 in one cage 4 in the other cause now the male has to be in the other cage...with chloe, they were good, ig so after a while again after trading the male between the two cages he gets Stella pregnate again..a male...(this can't be good for Stella) but then again the most recent she's pregnate again about 2 months later with 2 now their about 8/9 weeks old and I have 9's too much, I'm going into highschool I'm in band, and I have 9 gliders...what Am I supposed to do? I was thinking starting to sell them..Ik it's really hard for me...(also they're all really bad biters..except Stella..and a few of them aren't biters but they are so scarce...tipsy and not comfortable) so I'm thinking selling all but 3 for 100 ish each, this isn't intended to make profit, they need a loving home, I don't have time to play with 9 gliders, they need a loving good home..and please don't hate guys...this wasn't intended to get this many..just for me to sell..but it's getting to be too much..they rarely even come out of the cage and it really makes me sad but it's alll too much, so I'm narrowing it 3, is 100 too much? Their not even 1 year old yet. And are not too comfortable with people some a bit nasty towards you think I can get them in good loving homes? Again please no hate, I do take care of them I just can't play with them as much as they should be played with and I have 9 it's a lot
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Jul 05 2017
10:30:28 AM
BennyNace Glider Visit BennyNace's Photo Album 100 Posts
Wow. 9 gliders. You want to be sure that you are selling to someone who is serious about having a long term commitment. (exactly what a glider is) 100 seems fair enough to ensure this and also cheap enough to sell them easily. Just be sure that whoever your selling them to is educated and has done their research. Please.

I just want to ask, why haven't you gotten your male neutered? You should take the male to the vet and have it done asap. If they inbreed it can cause health problems and You don't want that for your suggies. in the meantime, u should separate the males from the females. Even if you don't think they're old enough to breed. If they don't get along with the other males or females, then you will need to find more cages. Even if it's just temporary, you can sell the cages with the gliders.
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Jul 05 2017
03:27:26 PM
Maiya Starting Member 6 Posts
Originally posted by BennyNace

Wow. 9 gliders. You want to be sure that you are selling to someone who is serious about having a long term commitment. (exactly what a glider is) 100 seems fair enough to ensure this and also cheap enough to sell them easily. Just be sure that whoever your selling them to is educated and has done their research. Please.

I just want to ask, why haven't you gotten your male neutered? You should take the male to the vet and have it done asap. If they inbreed it can cause health problems and You don't want that for your suggies. in the meantime, u should separate the males from the females. Even if you don't think they're old enough to breed. If they don't get along with the other males or females, then you will need to find more cages. Even if it's just temporary, you can sell the cages with the gliders.

Thank you soo much for your opinion and I appreciate it :)
Laws, Rules, & Regulations
Jul 05 2017
03:28:35 PM
Maiya Starting Member 6 Posts
Originally posted by BennyNace

Wow. 9 gliders. You want to be sure that you are selling to someone who is serious about having a long term commitment. (exactly what a glider is) 100 seems fair enough to ensure this and also cheap enough to sell them easily. Just be sure that whoever your selling them to is educated and has done their research. Please.

I just want to ask, why haven't you gotten your male neutered? You should take the male to the vet and have it done asap. If they inbreed it can cause health problems and You don't want that for your suggies. in the meantime, u should separate the males from the females. Even if you don't think they're old enough to breed. If they don't get along with the other males or females, then you will need to find more cages. Even if it's just temporary, you can sell the cages with the gliders.

Thank you soo much for your opinion and I appreciate it :)
Laws, Rules, & Regulations
Jul 05 2017
03:37:40 PM
Maiya Starting Member 6 Posts
Originally posted by Maiya

Originally posted by BennyNace

Wow. 9 gliders. You want to be sure that you are selling to someone who is serious about having a long term commitment. (exactly what a glider is) 100 seems fair enough to ensure this and also cheap enough to sell them easily. Just be sure that whoever your selling them to is educated and has done their research. Please.

I just want to ask, why haven't you gotten your male neutered? You should take the male to the vet and have it done asap. If they inbreed it can cause health problems and You don't want that for your suggies. in the meantime, u should separate the males from the females. Even if you don't think they're old enough to breed. If they don't get along with the other males or females, then you will need to find more cages. Even if it's just temporary, you can sell the cages with the gliders.

Thank you soo much for your opinion and I appreciate it :)

And I actually thought about neutering them cause it's getting a little out of you know where I might be able to do so?
Laws, Rules, & Regulations
Jul 05 2017
03:42:29 PM
Maiya Starting Member 6 Posts
Originally posted by Maiya

Originally posted by BennyNace

Wow. 9 gliders. You want to be sure that you are selling to someone who is serious about having a long term commitment. (exactly what a glider is) 100 seems fair enough to ensure this and also cheap enough to sell them easily. Just be sure that whoever your selling them to is educated and has done their research. Please.

I just want to ask, why haven't you gotten your male neutered? You should take the male to the vet and have it done asap. If they inbreed it can cause health problems and You don't want that for your suggies. in the meantime, u should separate the males from the females. Even if you don't think they're old enough to breed. If they don't get along with the other males or females, then you will need to find more cages. Even if it's just temporary, you can sell the cages with the gliders.

Thank you soo much for your opinion and I appreciate it :)

And I actually thought about neutering them cause it's getting a little out of you know where I might be able to do so?
Laws, Rules, & Regulations
Jul 05 2017
08:01:11 PM
BennyNace Glider Visit BennyNace's Photo Album 100 Posts
I don't know what area you live in but if you google exotic vets in your area some options should come up.
Laws, Rules, & Regulations
Jul 05 2017
08:56:14 PM
Maiya Starting Member 6 Posts
Originally posted by Maiya

Originally posted by BennyNace

Wow. 9 gliders. You want to be sure that you are selling to someone who is serious about having a long term commitment. (exactly what a glider is) 100 seems fair enough to ensure this and also cheap enough to sell them easily. Just be sure that whoever your selling them to is educated and has done their research. Please.

I just want to ask, why haven't you gotten your male neutered? You should take the male to the vet and have it done asap. If they inbreed it can cause health problems and You don't want that for your suggies. in the meantime, u should separate the males from the females. Even if you don't think they're old enough to breed. If they don't get along with the other males or females, then you will need to find more cages. Even if it's just temporary, you can sell the cages with the gliders.

Thank you soo much for your opinion and I appreciate it :)

And I actually thought about neutering them cause it's getting a little out of you know where I might be able to do so?
Laws, Rules, & Regulations
Jul 06 2017
07:49:12 PM
lilsistar Super Glider Visit lilsistar's Photo Album 293 Posts
I have gone through a very similar experience! My brother had two girls and dumbly decided to get a free male off Craigslist. I ended up taking control of them because he didn't have time for them.

I ended up with 9 from that and one I rescued from an idiot friend. Two did pass away and the one rescued was given to a rescue place in Arizona. So now I have seven.

First step is getting the males neutered. Call all the vet places and see if they neuter and what the prices are. The cheapest place I found where I live is $175.

All males you intend to keep you should neuter. This way you won't get overwhelmed with more babies. I recommend keeping females and selling the males. Makes life easier.

I just graduated high school. Sugar gliders and high school is pretty do able. Hold them while you do your homework or on days while you're chilling at home. I didn't do any extra curricular activities so I was at home a lot.

Life will be easier if you have your parent's help. I had my sister and my parents help. I currently have three of them and mine sister has four.

I understand what you are going through. You can do this!
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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
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