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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
7 month old male + 3 month old female HELP
7 month old male + 3 month old female HELP
Sep 27 2017
05:10:29 PM
Hi! I just barely got two gliders, the male is 7 months old and was raised by his owner and the female is 3 months old and was raised in a pet shop. I have some
concerns about putting them together in one cage, my male isn’t neutered yet and I’m afraid he’ll give the female mating scars and I don’t want any joeys. Should I wait until the male is neutered to introduce the two? And if I should wait after he’s neutered, how long would it take until his hormones are no longer promoting dominant behavior? I really want them to be together as soon as possible, I hate seeing them sleep alone without a friend to cuddle with
Nov 08 2017
01:15:08 AM
Scoria Glider Visit Scoria's Photo Album Scoria's Journal 135 Posts
Yes, you should probably neuter him before introducing. You should be able to tell his hormones have dropped by his bald spot filling in. Make sure you get a pom off neuter (scrotum removed as well as testes) or else he will still have some testosterone even after neutering and will probably still display male behaviors. It's important to keep an eye on him until his wound has fully healed, they have a tendency to pick at it and may even go so far as to disembowel themselves. You may have to fit him with an e-collar during the recovery stage to keep him from fussing with the surgery site.

A lot of people say you should wait until a joey is mature (~7 months) before introducing them to unfamiliar adults because in the wild adolescents are driven away from the clan to form their own new clans, so they will often try to replicate that behavior. which in a caged environment often means harming or killing the joeys. However your male is fairly young himself so he might not be quite as territorial as adults with established clans. You could try introducing them on neutral ground after his hormones have settled and he's healed up, wear gloves in case you need to break up a fight so you don't get bitten. You could also swap out their sleeping pouches every few days so they get used to each other's scents. Good luck!
7 month old male + 3 month old female HELP

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
7 month old male + 3 month old female HELP