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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
TPG Vitamins
TPG Vitamins
Food, Diet
Sep 14 2019
11:43:03 PM
Hey Guys,
I am considering changing my girls from the BML diet to the TPG diet, they seem to be having issues with eating the BML mix and now have cracked fur. I know some people say their gliders don't like the BML because of the gritty texture so I was thinking it would be best to switch to the TPG. I was just wondering about the vitamins. I know it says they cant be mixed in before freezing because it can alter the integrity of them but can you mix them into the mixture right before serving? I only ask because of my two girls my older one ALWAYS goes to the dish first and her sister normally waits a bit before going to it, I have tried seperate dishes but they always eat out of the same one anyway and I just dont want my girls to have issues with an improper balance in their diets.

Any advice would be super helpful!!!
Food, Diet
Sep 26 2019
12:34:28 AM
Scoria Glider Visit Scoria's Photo Album Scoria's Journal 135 Posts
Yes, you can mix them in right before serving. You don't have to let them just sit on top. I usually mix mine in to try to make sure one glider isn't hogging all the vitamins.
TPG Vitamins

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
TPG Vitamins