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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
one bonded glider ?
one bonded glider ?
May 13 2021
08:03:21 AM
i have two gliders, i got them early January and they are in a critter nation cage. one of my gliders lets me take him out and will not only crawl around me but is also willing to sleep in my hoodies and lets me pet him. the other glider is very hand shy and she will not let me hold her and will not relax around me unless the other glider is there /and/ its daylight. i take her out to bond frequently (i try to take my gliders out every day but i take them out 4x a week minimum) i am unsure if its just her personality but i want to be able to trust her to stay on me while i walk around my house with me like my male glider will, if anyone has any tips please let me know
May 13 2021
02:03:27 PM
gliderloverforever Glider Visit gliderloverforever's Photo Album USA 141 Posts
My biggest advice is just to be patient. I recently got a rehomed pair in addition to my other gliders, and one of the rehomes was incredibly hand-shy and basically wanted nothing to do with people. But as I've kept interacting with him, he has SLOWLY become more trusting of me. You won't see a drastic change in their personality - such as they want to be with you all of the sudden. But it'll come in small steps (such as crawling onto your arm of their own will, staying with you for longer, choosing to be with you, etc.)
Patience is key. Also, maybe try covering your hands with a bonding mitt ( or a sock if you don't want to pay that much, lol. It helps the gliders feel more comfortable with your hand and it keeps you from being bit.
I believe that she WILL bond with you like your male, it'll just take time. Some gliders just need to know that you're not going to hurt them and that you're their friend. Just showing her that. :)
May 18 2021
09:39:08 AM
GandKaidos Glider 55 Posts
Hello!! I don't have much to add here as most of what I was going to say has been said already...

but with almost all bonding questions I've seen.. The key is patience. Lots and lots of patience. know that they WILL bond to you. and watch for small changes in temperment. Be slow, methodical, and gentle. they WILL bond and it will be beautiful. In the meantime, however, watch for and be encouraged by each and every small step they make towards loving you wholly. Some gliders just take longer than others. Some are just grumpy and love you with all their heart but will still crab at you when you wake them up too suddenly.
you're doing great!!
one bonded glider ?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
one bonded glider ?