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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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Suddenly scared glider
Suddenly scared glider
Nov 09 2022
11:41:58 PM
Hey all i have 2 gliders for almost 2 weeks now they are both very young around 3 month of them is very shy and still scared of me and my wife ,but he is getting to trust us more and coming out to play with us.The other one since day 1 he was very very social and hyper active with us he immediately jumps and plays in the room and after one week he became so relaxed with us he licks our hands and sometimes he even does that yo my hair but i kind of move him to my hand as he seems to get really focused on my head.The problem is on the 10th day all of a sudden he seems to be too scared of everything when we let him out of the cage he goes to hide if we pick him up he will lick our hands still but he seems alert and tense like everything is new to him.I noticed the smaller one the shy one has been fighting with him in cage about food so we added more food and one more plate.We are very confused how or what happened we didnt change anything in the room but it seems like he doesn't know anything and smelling everything very hard he is still very normal in his cage like day 1. Would appreciate your help guys Thanks
Suddenly scared glider

GliderGossip GliderGossip
General Chat
Suddenly scared glider