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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Not eating staple and drastically losing weight.
Not eating staple and drastically losing weight.
Health related
May 15 2024
09:29:45 PM
Hello! One of my girls (a little over 6 years) stopped eating her staple and is losing weight (down to 82 grams.) She feels so fragile but she acts 100% normal.

She never loved the staple (BML) but would maintain her weight for the last 6 years. She will eat peas and corn, some of her fruit, and her treats. She still kept losing weight. Last night I decided to mix the BML with her veggies to force her to eat some and to stop giving treats.

It breaks my heart but I love her too much not to try.

I've tried the other staples and she wouldn't even touch them. I'm currently also offering her the kibble BML soaked in half apple half water to make it easy for her to eat.

Her fecal came back 100% normal so I'm desperate. I want her to gain her weight back and starting eating her staple again.

Any suggestions or advice?

Health related
May 17 2024
10:12:14 PM
kitsunedaemon Starting Member 7 Posts
Dumb Question/Advice. My gliders do not like the BLM diet, they prefer the HPW diet, not the premade stuff (that you mix with water)that you can buy online. Its a mix of things and my gliders seem to like it.
I would also suggest offering more protein maybe, if she is losing weight it may be that she needs more protein and fat to help regain weight. I offer my gliders eggs, mealworms and chicken. Not all at the same time! The eggs and chicken need to be cooked with no seasoning or fat/oils. I have spoiled gliders that have their own pot and pan for when I cook for them.
I would also keep an eye out for the ratio's of Calcium to phosphorous, gliders are prone to calcium deficiencies due to their diet and depending on what they're eating they can get it. If possible I would speak to a vet about it, keep a diary/note of all that she is eating and what you are feeding. The vet may have some suggestions or and idea of what to do moving forwards.
I am not a vet, I have no degree or certification when it comes to glider feeding or diets but that is my advice. I hope things turn out well.
Not eating staple and drastically losing weight.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Not eating staple and drastically losing weight.