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Klwallace12's Journal

Sep 19, 2012

 Trial and error diets

My suggies are about 9 weeks old, or so I was told. I'm kind of convinced the previous owners had no clue. I have ordered mo than I can even track in the last few days for them and in the mean time have been trying to find replacement diets for the pellets they were on.

It's hilarious that when I went to the grocery store 90% of what was in my cart was for my suggies but moving one of the new diet didn't go so well, they chose to eat pellets mostly and barely touched the food I prepared. After asking around I decided to try again. Today I decided to add cut up grapes and broken up chicken on top of the blended mix. My suggies not only ate more than I've seen them eat in four days but seem to have come alive. They have awesome amounts of energy. They're actually being super happy, their mood has completely turned around. I am excited about this change and can't wait to see how it affects their health.

I do realize after seeing some of the before and after posts that my suggies have some cracking, one more so than the other. And they don't seem to be as grey as they could be. I am hoping the diet helps this.

My tent and new cage should be coming soon, can't wait to decorate and really get some play time with my love bugs.

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Gender: Female
Member since: Sep 17, 2012
Posts: 43
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