Gender: Female
Member since: May 31, 2007
Posts: 492
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My HobbiesPlaying sports,playing with my animals,exploring,hanging with friends and Cross Country, track! Along with Hurdling!! So much fun!
My NewsMe and my family moved and now were unpacking and stuff like that. I just got a puppy who I am paying for... I just payed for my first pet bill.. WOW! I am also trying to fit in time for my gliders now... wish me luck! :D
Favorite Quote"Back me up Roger, Roger"
-Star Wars may sound weird but sometimes we need a little help in life.
If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you'll always gotton
-I don't know who it by. Sorry.
You know your in love when you can't sleep at night because reality is finally better than your dreams.
-Love that so much!
My BioI'm 15 and I don't care what people say about me being to young to have gliders!!
I live with my parents!!
I love to hang out with friends that is what I'm usually doing!!
I broke my wrist three times and one more time and I have to get surgery so cross your fingers I don't brake my wrist one more time!!
Track was great this year and I'm glad I did it and I did something everyone thought I wouuldn't do and I did Hurdles (I'm sort of a short person) and I love hurdling so much that next year its all I want to do!!