Gender: Female
Occupation:self employed
Member since: Oct 2, 2009
Posts: 227
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My Hobbieswatching tv, playing with my fuzzy bundles of joy :), listening to music....uhhh....playing on my computer...hmm...i'm pretty boring huh...lol
Basically i just enjoy life for what it is, and enjoy living..
My NewsI got my first set of suggies in july of this year and so far it has been one of the best experiences of my life. Each day I love them that much more....
Favorite Quote"If you never truely experienced sadness or pain in your life, you would never truly be able to appricate joy, and happiness outta life."
My BioI'm a 25 yr old female. I am in a serious relationship. I have one son who just turned 4 in september. I worry to much about all my children..my fuzzy ones, my little one, and my big 28 yr old one. (lol)
I love animals. And would love to set up a glider rescue outta my house, but cant cuz i live in a small apartment...I enjoy the small things in life like flowers, and nature and stuff...boy that sounds lame..lol..I'm just a big kid really...I just enjoy having fun, and being immature..Cuz if you cant laugh at yourself, and other people than whats the point in living? lol