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smmt1990's Journal

Dec 30, 2011

 My glider journey

Hi, My name is Stevie. My husband and i just adopted at pair of 5 year old gliders whose names are Dawson and Daisy. it has already been a wonderful experience. i of course did my research and decided this what the kind of family member i wanted. i have a 9 month old daughter who loves to watch them play in their cage. she enjoys "bathroom time" with us as i want her to be a part of the bonding process. the babies love to climb on her and she likes to let them lick yogurt off her fingers. she has gotten a couple bites but she hasn't cried. they are finally starting to really bond with us. dawson is still a little nervous but he is warming up. daisy i have to watch everytime i open the cage cuz she wants out. i have learned these little critters are addicting. i want to talk with other people that have them. i love networking and learning from people with more experience than me in hopes that one day i will be giving advice to someone new. i am looking forward to this new adventure!

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Gender: Female
Member since: Dec 26, 2011
Posts: 55
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