What is the best thing about sugar gliders?

The cute bandages on your arms covering up their bites. - (126 votes) 9.68%

The artistic pattern of scratches on your arms. - (259 votes) 19.91%

Brown shoulder paint. - (36 votes) 2.77%

The abstract art on your walls and floor made from food. - (87 votes) 6.69%

Obviously, cleaning cages. - (48 votes) 3.69%

Worrying about diets. - (94 votes) 7.23%

The veterinary bills are the best! - (36 votes) 2.77%

Nail clipping. Nuff said. - (83 votes) 6.38%

The very late-at-night melodies and percussions. - (339 votes) 26.06%

The natural aroma therapy they give to every home. The smell. OMG the smell! - (193 votes) 14.83%

1,301 votes total

What's the yuckiest thing about sugar gliders?

Ooey Gooey meal worms - (96 votes) 7.58%

Surprise on the shoulder poop - (143 votes) 11.29%

Warm pee running down your back - (535 votes) 42.23%

Oww! that was my ear! - (35 votes) 2.76%

Why are there meal worms in my purse? - (27 votes) 2.13%

Food splatter all over the wall - (89 votes) 7.02%

Glider farts are the cutest! - (24 votes) 1.89%

Glider farts are the stinkiest! - (25 votes) 1.97%

I love all the yucky things! - (293 votes) 23.13%

1,267 votes total

Were you happy with how LOST was ended?

YES - (22 votes) 37.93%

NO - (36 votes) 62.07%

58 votes total

Have you had to give up your gliders due to financial difficulties?

Sadly, yes. - (16 votes) 7.66%

Thankfully, no. - (122 votes) 58.37%

No, but I know someone who has. - (8 votes) 3.83%

I rescued gliders from someone in this situation. - (63 votes) 30.14%

209 votes total

Favorite halloween candy?

candy corn - (7 votes) 19.44%

cholcate, mmm, chocolate - (9 votes) 25.00%

candied apples - (5 votes) 13.89%

mini candy bars - (8 votes) 22.22%

I eat whatever my kids bring home - (3 votes) 8.33%

other - (4 votes) 11.11%

36 votes total

Favorite HP book?

1 Sorcerer Stone - (6 votes) 4.76%

2 Chamber - (1 vote) 0.79%

3 Azkaban - (7 votes) 5.56%

4 Goblet - (7 votes) 5.56%

5 Phoenix - (2 votes) 1.59%

6 Prince - (4 votes) 3.17%

7 Hallows - (8 votes) 6.35%

Don't make me pick just one! - (47 votes) 37.30%

I've never read any. - (34 votes) 26.98%

I have no idea what this is. - (10 votes) 7.94%

126 votes total

Do you tweet?

Yep! - (10 votes) 19.61%

No! - (21 votes) 41.18%

I have no idea what that means! - (20 votes) 39.22%

51 votes total

What would make your Mother's Day most memorable?

An entire day of napping - (5 votes) 10.42%

Breakfast in bed - (3 votes) 6.25%

A day at the spa - (6 votes) 12.50%

An afternoon with my girlfriends - (3 votes) 6.25%

A special evening with my partner, without the kids - (4 votes) 8.33%

Jewelry - (4 votes) 8.33%

Just flowers - (1 vote) 2.08%

A day trip somewhere fun with the whole family - (14 votes) 29.17%

Brunch with other mom friends - (3 votes) 6.25%

48 votes total
(multiple selection poll)

Should we replace the Easter Bunny with an Easter Glider?

Absolutely - (57 votes) 43.18%

No way - (29 votes) 21.97%

As long as there is a chocolate version! - (36 votes) 27.27%

Peeps! - (10 votes) 7.58%

132 votes total

Are Irish Gliders luckier than Australian Gliders?

Yes - (4 votes) 10.53%

No - (5 votes) 13.16%

All sugar gliders are Irish on St. Paddy's day! - (29 votes) 76.32%

38 votes total

Are you ready for winter to be over?

Yes, I love the sun! - (68 votes) 76.40%

No, I look better in winter clothes - (9 votes) 10.11%

In a couple of years there won't be any more winter - (12 votes) 13.48%

89 votes total

Favorite Valentine treat?

Chocolate - (67 votes) 51.54%

Is there anything other than chocolate? - (63 votes) 48.46%

130 votes total

2009 New year's resolution?

Get the gliders to lose weight - (8 votes) 8.51%

Have the gliders exercise more - (15 votes) 15.96%

Find a better diet for the gliders - (14 votes) 14.89%

Get a stealth wheel for the gliders - (15 votes) 15.96%

Get a bigger cage for the gliders - (22 votes) 23.40%

Stop using the word "suggie" and say "glider" instead - (20 votes) 21.28%

94 votes total

Favorite part of the Holidays?

Time with family - (39 votes) 39.00%

More food - (18 votes) 18.00%

The pretty lights - (23 votes) 23.00%

Giving gifts - (32 votes) 32.00%

The weather - (12 votes) 12.00%

Something not listed - (26 votes) 26.00%

100 votes total
(multiple selection poll)

What side dish are you looking forward to? (you can pick more than one)

Sweet potatoes - (43 votes) 26.22%

Pumpkin Pie - (59 votes) 35.98%

Stuffing - (57 votes) 34.76%

Cranberry sauce (can shaped) - (27 votes) 16.46%

Cranberry sauce (real) - (11 votes) 6.71%

Dinner Rolls - (58 votes) 35.37%

Green bean casserole - (28 votes) 17.07%

Leftovers - (44 votes) 26.83%

164 votes total
(multiple selection poll)

Who should be the next president of the U.S.A.?

Barack Obama - (223 votes) 0.02%

John McCain - (204 votes) 0.02%

Nathan Petrelli - (1,000,043 votes) 99.96%

1,000,470 votes total