A sugar glider exhibiting Stereotypy

This is a sugar glider caged in a small glass aquarium that is showing a stereotypy. You can read more about that here: http://www.sugarglider.com/gliderpedia/index.asp?STEREOTYPY and you can read about proper cages and other useful care tips at the Gliderpeda here: http://www.sugarglider.com/gliderpedia/index.asp?SugarGliderCagesABadExample

Original video uploaded by possum007 and submitted by kazko

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Apr 10 2012 : 08:44:02 PM
When I first got my glider, he did that too! I was wondering why he was doing that, thank you for the post!

Mar 22 2012 : 01:49:13 AM
Great video post, so many people misinterpret this as a happy behavior when in fact it is very unusual and often is a display of anxiety.
