
Subject: My oppinion
Posted by Mary on June 03, 2000 at 19:12:09 from

In Reply to: What do you think? posted by Paul on June 03, 2000 at 17:24:38:

First of all a good breeder should handle her glider on a regular basis and should be able to hold them without biting or crabbing. It is not normal for gliders to bite anyone that hard stranger or not. It is a deffinite indication of fear or not ebing handled enough or both. My gliders have been held by strangers and have never once bit any of them. Ofcourse you can buy them if you want, but all gliders need to be held a lot early on. Otherwise it can be very hard to hand tame them..and well they just arent going to bond if you can't handle them. You are looking at them not being handled in a may really have your work cut out for you.

Second its a better idea to get one glider at a time. Gliders can be difficult at first..and they do take a lot of time and attention. Its best to just buy one and focus on the care and bonding with that one glider. Once that glider has formed a good bond with you then you can get another glider. People that get two soemtimes also find that the two gliders bond with each other and have nothing to do with the human.

As far as breeding you deffinitly should have your gliders for a while before you even decide if breeding is for you. I would never suggest that anyone start out with a breeding pair.

As far as healthy well you need to have a vet check that out. The briskts is meant to be as a complete she shouldnt be using a suplement with it every night..that makes the diet unbalanced. What kind of supplement is it.

As far as the chances of them forming a tight bond that will depend on their background and on the time you spend with them. They are never too old to bond..but it will be much harder with gliders that haven't been handled much. It is still possible..just harder in most cases.

Where do you live? It may be better to wait...but you simply need to follow your heart. Did you feel a connection with any of the gliders? Sometimes you just get that special feeling and it doesn't really matter what the situtaion is anymore.

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