
Subject: a new friend for Ix
Posted by Rob on July 26, 2000 at 12:48:39 from

Hello there,

I have been having a delima and I could use some advise. Ix, who is my 1.5 year old male glider was alone. He needed a friend and after some trouble I was able to locate a breeder who had a lone female. After a very long trip and problems with the airline I got Zixi to here new home. The breeder suggested that I just put Zixi in his cage and let the cards fall where they may. But I am worried because Ix is at least twice her size and he doesn't seem interested in doing anything but chase her away when she gets close to him. Any suggestions as to what can be done. I am now facing the prospect of 2 lonly gliders instead of one. She is very fast and he can not catch her. But I am afraid to just leave her in his cage while I am not there to watch.

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