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Aug 11 2014
04:37:15 PM
I just started Baby sitting two kids (boy- 9 girl-5) who live right next door to me. And the boy loves animals. In fact he asked his mom for a sugar glider 3 months before they moved next door to me. So when they boy found out I had sugar gliders he got so excited. The second I walked through the door the first day I baby sat he was talking about how much he wanted to see a real sugar glider.

So today I brought him over to see them (and persuade him to not get one by telling him all the hard work you need to give them.) And it was amazing! He was so happy to see them and I even let him give Totes and Winston some honey on his finger (which he laughed about because he said that their tongues tickle)

Today happened to be cleaning day and I needed to make a new batch of BML for them. So that's what I did. The youngster and I cleaned the cages, their toys, their wheels, and made a batch of food. And you could tell he was rethinking about wanting a Sugar glider. He didn't realize how much work they were.

I also told him the basics like; the minimum cage size, that you should get 2 gliders and not just one, and I also told him about how much they would cost. (And also a few stories from my experience with my two babies. Because it can't be all work! Sugar Gliders are also a lot of fun!)

When I asked if he wanted a glider he told me he still kinda wanted one, but they were a lot of work so not really. He also said that they were amazing to see! (he got a kick out of Tail-less Totes MaGoats and thought she was amazing)

All in all this little Sugar Glider 101 was amazing for him. Now he knows a bit more about the care a glider needs and (hopefully) understands how much of a responsibility they are.

(and from an owner stand point I really just love talking about my sugar gliders and informing people about them. It made me beyond happy to share my stories and knowledge about these adorable and super rad animals!)

*also a HUGE thanks to Glider Gossip and all you people on it because without you guys I wouldn't have a clue about Sugar Gliders!
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Aug 12 2014
10:43:26 PM
Minnesota Zoo Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Minnesota Zoo's Photo Album USA 1999 Posts
Awww...That is so awesome!

And good for you to let him help you so he can see that it is not easy. And it's a long term commitment. (for his parents..)
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Sep 03 2014
11:51:37 PM
Jon Brand Joey 46 Posts
Thats very cute! I hope if my ex or whatever she is lets me see my new son alot more I can introduce him to the sugar gliders. He will love them!
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Sep 04 2014
12:41:42 AM
mallory_em4 Glider Visit mallory_em4's Photo Album 88 Posts
Aw thats so sweet! I love telling people all about my pets too! I think thats what we all live for here, perhaps one of the reasons we are on a forum!

I have young nieces (4yrs old) and they love them, always asking me about my pets. The gliders (bella to be specific) seems to have made quite the impression on one of my nieces, apparently she talks about Bella all the time and even names all of her pet bugs/stuffed animals Bella.
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