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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
TPG Diet has changed.
TPG Diet has changed.
Food, Diet
Jan 13 2017
07:23:22 AM
For those of you that feed the Tpg diet, the recipe was changed yesterday by the creator. Before making your next batch please go to the Tpg website for the updated recipe.

Edited by - Leela on Jan 13 2017 07:24:35 AM
Food, Diet
Jan 13 2017
07:08:37 PM
minime3 Glider Visit minime3's Photo Album USA 50 Posts
of coarse I just made a new batch a couple days ago! this makes me question the integrity of this diet! Do you have any other info about this change? can I contact the creator of the recipe to see if I need to scrape the new batch and start over? or can just add some fruits and veggies to it for now? I'm out of town for a couple of weeks ( Minnie is with me) so all the ingredients are at home.
Food, Diet
Jan 14 2017
02:23:11 AM
sjusovare Face Hugger Visit sjusovare's Photo Album France 694 Posts
Everyone using this diet has been feeding the old recipe during years, so you can use your batch before changing.
Besides, the nutritional changes are minimal regarding the quantities of everything used in a whole batch (and far less important than the seasonal changes they'd see in the wild).

Such adjustments don't make me question the integrity of a diet, it's the opposite which would (recipes carved in stone which have not changed since years while our knowledge of the glider's metabolism have increased). Looking at the history of every other wildly used diets, they've all changed at some point, and in far greater extent than just ratios of fruits and veggies.
Food, Diet
Jan 14 2017
09:15:55 AM
Leela Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit Leela's Photo Album Leela's Journal 2919 Posts
I agree, use the batch up that you made, but I would use the new recipe next time you need to make it.

I don't have an issue with this diet change, though I've never really been a fan of tpg.

But there is another diet I do have issue with change of recipe, Not that it was changed so much, but more so how it was done. This diet was changed and used by the person for 8 months before the recipe change was made public. During those 8 months the people that were feeding that diet continued to use the old recipe without knowing changes were made and why they were made. That is where I felt that if the diet wasn't sound to begin with, and you aren't sure of the recipe changes enough to make them public then the recipe just shouldn't be public at all until it's sound and balanced.

When asked questions about the change they said the diet was lacking and certain ingredients were an issue but didn't really explain much past that. Which makes me wonder what potential issues are there for the gliders that were still being fed the old recipe... What ingredients were an issue and what were the damn issues? It's not a diet I would consider for my gliders so personally it's not a big deal to me but, I do know a rescue that was feeding their gliders this diet and it was very unnerving to them how this person responded and didn't respond to questions about the diet.

Priscilla, to my knowledge is responding and answering questions about the tpg recipe change. Some are opting to use the old recipe, some are going to use the new recipe and some are most definately jumping ship to a different diet altogether ( observation from face book groups and what I'm seeing on the threads about the change ) The choice of course is up to you.

Part of the reason I even posted this ( obviously it's not because I feed it, and it wasn't to scare anyone or create doubt in the diet they chose ) Is to show new owners why going to the diet creators site for the recipe is important.

If changes are going to be made to a diet or recipe, and your using a recipe someone else copied and put on their site, you may not have the most current information about that diet.

If a diet recipe changes, there are most likely reasons for the change whether the reasons are nutritional, or medical, or something else. The best way to have the most accurate and current recipe and information pertaining to that diet is to use the recipe that the diet creator provides on their site, and check the site once in a while for any changes to it. If then you have questions, ask the diet creator

Edited by - Leela on Jan 14 2017 09:19:18 AM
Food, Diet
Jan 14 2017
12:37:09 PM
minime3 Glider Visit minime3's Photo Album USA 50 Posts
thank you, That has put my mind at ease, although I do eventually switch her to a better diet. I will make a new batch when we get home and switch back n forth til this batch is done.
Food, Diet
Jan 15 2017
06:10:03 PM
Christy626 Glider 51 Posts
I decided after some hard thinking to switch diets. This is the only diet my babies have ever had. They are 6 months old. My reason for switching is 1) it is a huge change. Almost everything in the diet has doubled 2) some ingredients are a range like 6-8 oz. Well it needs to be either 6 or 7 or 8. You should not be guessing. #3 the vitamin amount has not changed. That is a lot of doubling the amounts and keeping the vitamins the same. So that means either 1) our babies have been getting too many vitamins or 2) not a balanced diet.
Food, Diet
Jan 16 2017
12:52:20 AM
sjusovare Face Hugger Visit sjusovare's Photo Album France 694 Posts
Actually, that logic is just false...
You are of course totally free to choose the diet you use, but do not justify your choice by a bad logic.

if everything had doubled, well, basically, the recipe would be the same, you would just be doing a bigger batch... The only thing which has doubled is the amount of fruits and vegs, compared to everything else in the batch, it changes pretty much nothing (try it, when you make one batch, you do not have much more servings than before). It's no different from every other diets in which you switch the fruits n veg type everyday, different fruits and vegs have different amount of nutrients and different weights per volume (1 TBS of carrots weights 6 times more than 1 TBS of eggplants)

Same goes with the "between 6 or 8" .. it doesnt prove the diet is disbalanced, it just proves that things do not need to be in an exact fixed ratio all the time (which would precisely be unhealthy, biologic entities are not machines), afterall, no one ever eats the exact same meal everyday unless they seriously want to have metabolic disorders and serious deficiencies.

Do not even get me started on imperial volumes, measuring in TBS, ounces and cups is unprecise by nature (by opposition to metrics 1 ml = 1cc, plain and simple).. How much is a TBS? Are we talking flat or lumpy? Depending on the size of the chunks of what's in it, doesnt it change the amount? If you want a precise amount of nutrients, you use weight, and it implies to know the charts of every single thing you use (which would mean analyse everything all the time since even 2 apples from the same tree does not contain the exact same amount and ratios of nutrients)... gladly nutrition is not that complicated.

As for the vitamins, the supposed average needs of your gliders haven't changed hence the quantity of vitamins hasnt changed. When you take supplemental vitamins, their amount is not in function of what you actually eat that day, but in function of your own weight, and they are, afterall, only a supplementation for what you don't get from your food.

If you switch diets because you think that changes immplies that the diet is disbalanced, as I said earlier every other diets have changed recipes, and to extends which are far greater than this change, just check their history, does that mean that every diet is unbalanced? (some have excessive amount of calcium, which imposes the use of a strict mix of fruits and vegs to compensate, that's not what I call balanced, some have excess amount of proteins, which is heavy on the kidney and liver -but lactating females need that protein boost- which is not what I would called balanced either...).
At the end of the day, there is no miracle and perfect diet, the only thing which should matter when choosing a diet is "are the gliders fed that diet healthy on the long run? . I think the experience speaks for itself, most of gliders are healthy on widely used diets, which includes that one, regardless on the amount of fuits and vegs used (which are always variable anyway, and your gliders know how to adjust, they just eat more if they need more, this diet has always been meant to have leftovers).

That being said, you are entitled to your choices, you can pick any diet you want as long as it satisfies both your gliders and yourself, but the best choice is always made using firm logic and not out of fear, rumours and assumptions.
TPG Diet has changed.

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
TPG Diet has changed.