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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Glider attacking hair?
Glider attacking hair?
Apr 06 2017
11:39:56 AM
I got a new pair of gliders back in January to keep my Ollie company after his brother passed away. One of the new gliders in the pair, DeeDee has been going very slow with the bonding process, but we've made some progress recently. The last few nights she has started to greet me at the cage door and will come out to climb on me.

Whenever I play with the gliders I wear a hoodie with the hood up, mainly because Kirby (the 2nd half of the pair) loves to climb and jump on my head. Two nights ago, DeeDee discovered that she can climb on my head too. When she was on my head, she started to attack the small bit of hair on top of my head that was showing under the hood. I grabbed at my hood to pull it over my hair, but she persisted, still trying to look for it. I had some hairspray in my hair that night, so I thought maybe she didn't like the smell of that.

Last night, she climbed up to my head and proceeded to attack my hair again. This time, my hair was clean with no product in it. I even had my hair cut earlier that day, so it was washed in a new shampoo, so a totally different smell from the night before.

I know this is definitely not grooming, as I've been groomed many times before. She furiously attacks my hair, making angry noises, similar to those when gliders fight with each other. When I cover my hair, she still tries to hunt for it, searching to try and get under my hood. And Dee is still not bonded to me, so usually any quick movements I make, she will run away and hide in the cage. When I reached for my hood and yanked on it, she was un-phased and still tried to pursue my hair. I even tried to (gently) brush her away, and she still persisted.

Has anyone had this happen before? And any suggestions on how to get her to stop attacking my hair, save for maybe wearing a hat?
Apr 07 2017
07:05:33 PM
jdching Face Hugger 807 Posts
Have you tried distracting her with a feather? They love to attack feathered cat teasers (no catnip), probably because the eat birds in the wild. I used to brush around my cage with a paint brush and my babies always tried to grab it.
Apr 12 2020
02:36:24 PM
Novice Starting Member 1 Posts
We got our first glider a month ago and bonding seems to be going great. He nips at us and has even drawn blood a few times but that doesn’t stop any of us from holding him and petting him. One night we had a really good boding experience where he kept jumping to me from high places and if my husband came in the room our glider would run to me for protection. The next night I took him out and he started attacking my scalp. I have long hair and I usually have a pony tail or a bun. He digs in my hair and bites obsessively! I tried wearing a beanie to cover my hair and ears and he seemed even more determined. Now when we take him out for bonding he’s not interested in toys or exploring he just wants to bite my scalp. Heeeeelp!!!
Glider attacking hair?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Glider attacking hair?