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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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Help for a sick glider
Help for a sick glider
Jun 17 2017
10:58:56 AM
Hi there, I am writing to get some advice to see if anybody else is had any experiences with a glider that has been bloating and eating ravenously period 6 weeks ago I took her to the vet she was extremely bloated that's are Jake and not eating ears down. After 10 days in the vet many tests barium and x-rays, fecal swabs, the vet still does not know what caused it period She is on 4 different medicines and she was getting better so they sent her home. Now two weeks later she was not looking good again but this time she is only a little bloated and eating ravenously with her ears down. I read some things online with people with similar experiences but I never read the medical outcome or diagnosis. The vet and I don't know what is going on. They were not able to give blood and she did not have a blockage period but her belly did blow it with lots of fluid and gas period She is on anti-gas common antibiotic, milk thistle in case it was her liver, and an anti-inflammatory. There was no parasites found in any of the tests her anal glands did get a little swollen in the beginning but are fine now. I would love anyone else's opinion please
Jun 17 2017
11:32:16 PM
minime3 Glider Visit minime3's Photo Album USA 50 Posts
What is her diet?
Jun 18 2017
10:30:21 AM
jdching Face Hugger 807 Posts
Not sure if this is helpful, but I have heard that certain vegetables like broccoli can cause bloating and pain.
Help for a sick glider

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Help for a sick glider