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I adopted a breeding pair
I adopted a breeding pair
Jul 26 2017
03:46:50 PM
Hi everyone!
I adopted a pair of 4-5 year old gliders 5 weeks ago. The femail (bonnie) is having a baby in the pouch. I have never had gliders and i dont know if i should start bonding with them now or wait for the baby to get OOP.the male, Clyde, is crabbing and lounging all the time when we try to have them in a bonding pouch. The femail is much more trusting and quiet.they eat from our hands and are overall happy, just not when it is bonding time. Should we bond one at a time, or not at all untill the baby! Arr they too old to bond! Any advice will be appreciated. Thank you
Jul 26 2017
05:18:03 PM
NyxandBenny Glider Visit NyxandBenny's Photo Album AB, CA 166 Posts
Hi. Search the forum for guides on rejection kits. Just in case. And reasearch things you may need before hand. That is unless you have some expirience already. You should start bonding asap but try to coax them out on their terms I use bonding bag only during day time and a glider proof room. Start in a small tent or bathtub with curtains drawn outside of tub.
Jul 26 2017
05:33:47 PM
Boogs Joey Visit Boogs's Photo Album 15 Posts
Thank you!! I am worried because i heard if the mom ia stressed (like moving to a new family) she may eat the baby when it comes out!! So some suggestes i leave them alone and not handle them...i just dont know what the best thing to do is! We also do play with them almost every night. We open the cage doors and let them come out and explore with us...the room ia small and glider proof
Jul 26 2017
06:16:09 PM
NyxandBenny Glider Visit NyxandBenny's Photo Album AB, CA 166 Posts
It is a possibility and hard to catch on time. But if your not prepared and have everything ready the joey won't have a chance. Some breeding pairs won't allow any to survive. A friend just had her boy fixed because hers would cannibalized the joey early on.
Jul 26 2017
06:21:14 PM
Boogs Joey Visit Boogs's Photo Album 15 Posts
Thank you, what signs or wornings or behaviours should i be on the lookout for? And i will look for a kit as well!
Jul 26 2017
07:26:53 PM
NyxandBenny Glider Visit NyxandBenny's Photo Album AB, CA 166 Posts
If possible contact last owner to get a baseline of how they acted in their care. If that's not possible it'll be trial and error . Gliders personalities vary greatly and will also change periodically or in new surroundings. If a glider is prone to canibalism you may not realize it as they may terminate when the fetus makes its way to the pouch or remove it themselves out of pouch early or wait till it's oop completely. The male could be protecting the female hence the lunging. I'd recommend tent time with him to build trust in a small area. I'd contact a vet trained in glider care and husbandry. Neutering the male may calm him down as well.
Jul 26 2017
08:06:27 PM
Boogs Joey Visit Boogs's Photo Album 15 Posts
Thank you again for all the information!
I adopted a breeding pair

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
I adopted a breeding pair