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Mini tennis balls
Mini tennis balls
Nov 23 2018
04:34:13 PM
Bubbie is still snoozing atm. It's starting to get dark now. Last week after digging him out of the mini tennis ball display at a local pet store and buying the blue one that he decided was his, we play ball now. You would think I would stay out of the dog isle but instead after having to go to a different pet store to get his worms, again down the dog isle. He found a bag of mini tennis balls smaller than the first one. He can actually throw these at me before coming out of his cage. For some reason, dog toys, especially balls, are what he seems to like the most. He bats them around the floor and chases them. When they get stuck he comes to me to get it unstuck for him. I roll it and he's off chasing it again. He's so darn cute..
Mini tennis balls

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Mini tennis balls