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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Male only colony?
Male only colony?
Jul 25 2023
04:07:14 PM
So I currently have two male gliders, one intact the other neutered. They're inseparable, absolutely no fighting or issues. I can't get the intact one neutered due to some neurological issues (seizuring in uncomfortable situations).

My question is, considering I have a triple critter nation setup (3ft wide, 2ft deep, and about 6ft tall), I was wondering would getting another neutered male be okay? I would love to have at least one or two more, but I worry about them getting along safely considering I can't have females in the mix due to the intact one.
Jul 31 2023
03:25:34 AM
SuggieSlave1991 Joey 18 Posts
Just to warn you, although your males are not fighting yet, they will fight eventually. The reason is, the intact male will try to mate with your Neutered male. I've had several males, 2 in each colony not Neutered. They did ok for about a year, and now I can't tell you how many times I've had to separate them from balling up and fighting and I've literally had to pull my males off each other from mating with each other. A couple of times the one males butt was covered in blood from the other males genitalia being inside him, i watched it come out of the glider as i pulled the off the other. I realized it was happening because i could hear the one glider screaming out in pain and ran to see what the problem was, and that's what i found. These were rescued colonies and they were father and sons together, and the father was doing this to his two boys. And I've had other rescued intact male colonies do this as well. They can't control themselves. If they are not neuter they will do the deed, even Neutered males will still do the deed with a female, but can't get her pregnant.

I definitely wouldn't suggest adding another male or female for the fact of the one but being Neutered. I've never heard of male but being able to be Neutered even with neurological issues. Did your vet tell you this? If that is the case I would get a second opinion from another exotic vet. What exactly are the gliders neurological issues? What does he do? What are His behaviors?

Edited by - SuggieSlave1991 on Jul 31 2023 03:29:43 AM
Jul 31 2023
03:22:26 PM
LoofacoPR Starting Member 4 Posts
It was a vet telling me it was neurological. He has seizures. He'll begin twitching his head a bit but then goes rigid, staring off at nothing and frothing at that mouth. I can handle him without him fighting or scurrying around or anything (I only handle him to put him back in the pouch and attempt to comfort him). He only does it when he's out of the cage and being held on occasion, I've never witnessed this behavior in the cage. It slowed for a bit after I introduced him to the newer glider, but never really went away. But he's been like that ever since I took him in.
I've discussed his diet, wondering if it's a calcium issue as I've read but he's on the OHPW diet and she believes that it's neurological.

I've been meaning to get with another vet but I live somewhat in the country side and I worry what a long car ride would do to him in that state.
Aug 01 2023
12:57:04 AM
SuggieSlave1991 Joey 18 Posts
When you said he goes rigid, does he actually fall in his side? Does he jerk really bad? Does his whole body twitch or just his head? If he isn't doing these things, I don't think it seizures, especially since he only does it when you take him out of the cage on occasion. If it was seizures it would happen more frequently, and definitely inside and outside the cage. When gliders are scared or very stressed, they can go into almost like a trance state. They will become stiff, not move from their position, stare off space like they are in a trance, and their head can sometimes twitch a bit or even their tail. Once you get him back in a pouch how does he act? How long does it take him to come out of this? Is it right away, or can take a could seconds to minutes? What does he do? Also, could you explain a little more about the frothing at the mouth?

Also, when this happens, what happens right before he acts this way? A loud noise,a sudden movement? Do you have other animals in the home? Are they close by at those moments to where he all of sudden smells them, or do you have a unfamiliar scent he is Smelling on you? Try to pay attention to what is happening in his space that could be causing him to become very scared and stressed out.

You said something about diet. This could also be very possible to cause this to happen. What OHPW Recipe are you following? And what else are you feeding him? Do you add extra vitamins? Or substitute certain things in the recipe sometimes? What treats do you feed them?

And one more question, what do you keep in there cage? What kind of bedding do you use? Do you have wood in their cage? What do you line their cage with? And what do you clean their cage and bedding with?

Everything I asked you is so very important I promise. I'm not asking these things just because. I'm asking because all these things could play a role in what you are seeing with your glider. I really don't think your glider is having seizures, so I would like to help you try and pinpoint the source to this behavior. It could be a very very mild seizure, but if it is, I don't think it is neurological. I think there is something causing it. And if I can pinpoint what it is, you could get them to stop completely by just changing 1 simple thing you would have never had thought would be the reason for this behavior.

And I'm sorry, I know I'm writing you a book but I'm honestly just trying to be helpful and figure out what is really going on with your little guy. I'm not a vet, but a lot vets, even exotic ones don't know all the Ins and outs when it comes to gliders because they don't specialize in them. A vet can do all the testing, surgeries and other things like that. But as far as diet, and things like that, they don't really know the true facts because they don't work with them everyday, only once in a blue moon will they come across a glider. They look stuff up on the internet to answer your questions when it comes to things like that, and everything you research on gliders is so contradicting its hard to get the facts. That's why I got a mentor from a Facebook group injoined that has had the animals for 20+ years, and knows the Definite dos and don't. So I'm honestly just trying to help you. I have 9 gliders, and I've rescued more then that. I've never had a sick glider. I'm also an approved vendor for suger gliders, meaning I sew and sell safe an approved cage sets, and glider toys.

Edited by - SuggieSlave1991 on Aug 01 2023 01:09:32 AM
Aug 01 2023
05:47:39 AM
LoofacoPR Starting Member 4 Posts
Just want to start off with I 100% appreciate the time and effort you're giving me for this. These are my first gliders, and while I've done a lot of research and have spoken with several people on how to care for them, I'm still relatively new with it all.

It's only his head that twitches, and it's only at the start, that's usually how I know he's starting. He'll twitch his head for a bit, the go rigid, no other twitching in his body. He'll stay frozen for about a minute or two, usually I have him back in the bag by then to comfort him. Then he just stays in the bag. He usually sticks his head out to watch my other glider run around and play, but he never seems interested after that, usually just seems tired. The frothing at the mouth is more like, just loads of saliva I guess? It just all bubbles at his mouth and I usually have to wipe it away due to excess, definitely more than a normal amount of saliva.

I do have a cat, but I always take him to my aunt's house next door before taking them out of the cage and into the tent to avoid stress. The room I take them to is right next to the cage, so smells shouldn't be too different from what he smells in the cage since I live in a very small home. Whenever I bring them out, I keep the lights on in that room, but turn the one in the bathroom on so I can see. I try to be as gentle with them as possible.

I use the wombaroos mix, though I admit I haven't gotten into making the proper salad mixes yet, so usually I have various fruits and veggies I give them. Usually it ranges from various melons, berries, mangos, pineapples, kiwis, and then for veggies I use the frozen mix with green beans, peas, corn and carrots, as well as some kale or bok choy. (Though they really love kale).

As far as their cage goes, they don't have bedding, I have a grated bottom that leads to a drop pan that I clean regularly. Usually I either wipe down the cage with water, or water mixed with dawn soap and then rinse it off with a rag of just water. All of the felt pouches and such are hand cleaned with dawn soap as well.

Thank you again for your time, I just want the best for him. He was given to me by a friend who was unable to care for him so unfortunately I don't know anything about the breeder he came from or anything about his lineage.
Aug 09 2023
05:08:44 AM
SuggieSlave1991 Joey 18 Posts
Sorry I haven't gotten back with you. I was really sick and suffer from narcolepsy so it just completely kills me out. I'm going to private message you to make this easier.
Male only colony?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Male only colony?