Fruits And Veggies

When choosing what fruits and vegetables to give to your sugar gliders, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • What's the CA:PH ratio?
  • Is this high in oxalates?
  • Will my sugar gliders even eat it?
  • Is it safe for my sugar gliders to eat?

CA:PH Ratio:

Sugar gliders need a particular Calcium:Phosphorus Ratio or they can develop bone problems including deadly Hind Leg Paralysis (also known as HLP). Phosphorous inhibits the absorption of calcium. The recommended ratio is 1.5:1 to 2:1 and it's best to stay as close to 2:1 (or even higher) as possible. Simply put, there should be double the amount of calcium as phosphorous.


Oxalates attach themselves to calcium molecules & inhibit their absorbtion, therefore counteracting a high CA:PH ratio. Items typically high in oxalates are dark, leafy greens such as spinach (which has a 2:1 CA:PH ratio). So, if you want to feed your gliders dark, leafy greens, stick with the ones with a super high CA:PH ratio like collard greens (14.5:1) & mustard spinach (7.5:1).

A wonderful link for ratios/oxalates, along with explanations, is below. Starting on page 4, you can see the ratios for fruits and vegetables you would feed your sugar glider:

[ ]

Candy's Sugar Glider Nutrition Calculator: [ ]

Sugar Glider Taste Preferences:

Every sugar glider has it's own likes & dislikes and many change over time. You will need to be observant and see what they eat and adjust as needed.

Foods to Avoid:

As we learn more about what our sugar gliders can and cannot eat, this list will change. For now we know to avoid...

  • onions & everything in the onion family (ex. leaks)
  • garlic
  • chocolate
  • grape skins (has been known to kill small dogs because it messes with their digestive system)
  • pork
  • products containing catnip

  Last Edited August 8, 2011
