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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Joey health
Joey health
Health related
Sep 05 2019
03:55:03 PM
I posted in birth and Joey section but I need answers fast.
my sugar gliders have rejected their baby I found the baby cold and alone, scratched on it and they mostly seem to ignore it. I have seen the mom licking it all over but that’s about the extent of it. My question it was late at night when I noticed that the baby was out of the pouch and hooked onto the mom then later realized that they were ignoring it. So I started freaking out because I didn’t have sugar glider milk replacer. I read online if you didn’t have that you could use powder puppy milk replacer. So I have been using that for about a day now with pedialyte unflavored because he is super dehydrated and I have been feeding him every hour. How do I switch him over from the puppy milk to the mixture I am going to make specially for newly outof pouch Joey? I don’t want him to bloat but I can’t get him to use the bathroom, I have tried a warm washcloth and que tip
Health related
Sep 05 2019
06:50:36 PM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
if you cant get answers here, try other online and facebook glider sites please.
I dont do joeys. so I dont know.
Health related
Sep 06 2019
11:30:44 AM
Coreymycat Joey Visit Coreymycat's Photo Album 36 Posts
I have tried multiple sites and they all say simethicon drops and stimulation. It’s been two days now and I fear for the worst.
Joey health

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Joey health