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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Oct 31 2019
06:00:59 PM
Me AGAIN. My life is a sparatic and sad movie most times. I was trying bathroom time with Amaleh and Pandora. They were a little scared at first and then started to move around. Pandora is the outgoing one so she started moving around mostly on the floor. I secured all drains, all under door spaces, and any chemicals or products were put into another room. Thought it was glider proof! No. She found a very tiny hole underneath the sink (it’s a square wooden structure) and crawled right in. I cannot see the opening. The space where she climbed is small and hard to get to I can’t even look into it to see. I’m freaking out of course and don’t know what on earth to do. I put her favorite bonding pouch near the hole with a couple of yogurt drops, turned out the lights, and closed the door hoping she’ll run to her pouch and I can scoop her up. I know that there’s probably nothing else I can do, but just thought why not I’ll give it a shot. Amaleh is safe and back in her cage by the way. Please please please Any words or ideas would be greatly appreciated
Oct 31 2019
09:09:09 PM
BYK_Chainsaw Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BYK_Chainsaw's Photo Album BYK_Chainsaw's Journal USA 1301 Posts
lights out good, I would use LIVE mealworms as the treat, maybe even try to get one at opening of hole for her to smell. is the hole a dead end? or can she continue to get farther away?
if dead end, I would one treat near the hole, see if you can get her to come out enough to get that first treat, after that I would make her come out farther to
get more. My gliders like yogurt and dried mealies, but LIVE mealies from pet
store are the total BOMB, they usually come running when I shake that container and
they hear the mealies bouncing around.

overall sounds like you are doing it right, lights out, bonding pouch or a cage pouch outside hole, food or treat.

Nov 04 2019
10:15:17 AM
CourtsCuddles Starting Member 6 Posts
I totally forgot to update but those live millies WORKED. I put them in her pouch ... and turned out the lights and just waited. Literally 10 minutes later she comes prancing out lol she’s started like happy hopping, idk it was weird and cute. Then she just grabbed a mealworm and I just grabbed the pouch while she was chomping down. Thanks so much !!! #128513;

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders