1. I would consider getting her a cagemate.
2. you don't say a diet. but mealworms every day is alot of fat.
I would pick the OHPW or critterlove or BML diet to feed her.
3. I have 6 gliders about 6/7 years. one female is still skittish and prefers
to stay IN the cage. they have a glider room and can roam free, but she stays in
the sleeping tote or in cage most of the time. If I bother her enough she will
put her teeth on me but not really bite. I can feed her treats, pet hers, but she
prefers I leave her alone. after 6 years I still see little victories once in
awhile. note: she has always hated bonding pouch, so I dont use it. I notice
if I pet her back she is more tolerate of it, she actually left cage and sat on
my leg for treats this month. she no longer crabs every time I check in sleeping
tote in morning.
I just let her do her thing, I have 5 other gliders in the colony to hold and pet. BUT I'm always trying to pet her once a day and let her know I'm not going to just completely give up on her.
I would not like the biting. I think you should switch up the mealworm treats, ONLY give her the treats from your hand/fingers. Make her step on one arm to get to the treats your holding in the other hand. keep this up for weeks, and try to make her get more on you arm to get to the treats. after some time, weeks or months, she should have to climb on your arm/hand to get the treats.
With Link, I would get him on my arm with a treat, weeks of work. then carry him to kitchen for more live mealworms. after awhile he would be waiting at cage door, and climb on my arm as soon as I open door for the ride to kitchen for live mealworms. Oh and he would give me little nips on my arm if he had finished his mealworm and I didnt have another one ready for him.