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Mar 5, 2021

 My Sugar Glider Main Diet Recipe

Posted by: BatGirl
Sugar Glider Main Diet Recipe

Makes a four day supply for three Sugar Gliders; or, twelve day supply for one (then freeze 2nd ½ of recipe)

Begin by getting Exotic Nutrition’s Glider Complete and its Instant HPW honey & Fruit…

In a small microwavable bowl put a “heaping” ounce of Complete. Add to that (1) tbs (tablespoonful) of whole grain rolled oats (aka 1-minute oatmeal) and about (½) ounce of honey. Finally put (1¾) ounce of filtered water – mix well and microwave high for 60 seconds.

Then prepare (¾) ounces of mixed vegetables (ie frozen mix of carrots, green peas, green beans, and corn microwaved to tenderize first) and use a fork to mush/squish up.

Then put (¾) ounce of cranberry sauce (w/real cranberries) into microwave for 30 sec.

Mix contents so far together in the small microwavable bowl, and add (¾) ounce of filtered water – then microwave contents for 30 sec.

Add (1) ounce of HPW powder in small portions to small microwavable bowl, mixing-in between portions – mix will thicken-up.

Split contents of small microwavable bowl into four portions, and use one portion per day for three sugar gliders, or one portion per three days for one sugar glider.

When ready to serve:

Mix (¾) ounce of filtered water with each portion.

Add pinch of Exotic Nutrition’s Glider-Cal to each portion and mix well.

Take drained/pressed firm TOFU and dice up into ¼-inch cubes - putting about 10-12 cubes in a portion. Mix very gently…

Then microwave portion for 30 sec and let cool to warm. Serve…

Serve full portion to three sugar gliders, or split portion into thirds for a single sugar glider - refrigerating unused part of portion and then microwaving for 30 sec. when needed.

Best to serve portion of main diet around 6-7 PM (sunset), then remove the next morning (sunrise) when sugar gliders are asleep. Recommend a small bowl of ‘treats’ be given around 3-5 AM, which can be removed around the 6-7 PM (sunset) feeding time…

All unused food/treats removed should be discarded and never reused. (I’ll sometimes snack on the unused non-insect treats, heh, heh – just make sure it hasn’t been peed/pooped on – yuck!)

Treat suggestion: small amount of sliced-up blueberries, or sliced up figs, or diced apple slices (no seeds), or pear preserves, etc. If sugar glider(s) begin to ignore main diet ~ hold off treat(s) for a night or two. Insect treats should be given in very small amount typically in early morning (wake sugar glider(s) up for this special treat), and treat only a couple of times a week with insects…

Weight of an adult sugar glider should average around 140 grams (115-160) for males, 115 grams (95-135) for females.
The three of mine weigh 155, 160, and 165 grams… they’re kinda fat ;-)

Feb 25, 2021

 Mushu's accident

Posted by: Mushu.nala
2/24/22: so last night my little boy, Mushu, got a string from his fleece bonding pouch wrapped around his foot. I saw it when I woke him up for dinner and immediately cuz it off and removed all string. His foot was red and swollen and bleeding a little bit and he couldn't walk on it. I watched him for around an hour or so and he didn't seem to mess with it. I took him to an emergency vet just to make sure everything was okay. They gave him meloxicam. .5ml every 24 hours. Today he began to chew on his foot continuously in the afternoon. I made him an e-collar and he freaks out trying to get it off. But I'm curious as to what I can do to help him sleep or make him more comfortable. Can I give him some at home medicine to calm him down? And does his diet need to change during this healing process? He's on the BML diet.
2/25/21 update: I took Mushu to the vet and they prescribed him gabapentin for pain relief and minor sedation. They do not know if he will ever regaining full control of his foot. The redness is gone but the swelling is still present however he can't move his toes enough to grip anything at all but it has only been 2 days since his accident. I am looking for ways to help him exercise since he can't climb because of his foot and the cone he tends to fall. Does anyone have any suggestions to help him exercise, that would be e-collar friendly of course. He is confined to a box that he can not climb in as opposed to his large cage so he doesn't get hurt. I do let him run around on my living room floor while I watch him. He really wants to climb and I let him on me so that I can help him if he gets stuck or starts to fall. I also sit on the ground on a soft blanket so if he falls he won't get hurt. Any suggestions would be appreciated and sorry for the long post!

03/10 update: so I left mushu at home for the first time today while I was at work. When I got home and checked on him he had figured out how to get out of his cone! I immediately checked his foot and it doesn't look like he has been messing with it at all. He has a tiny sore on his neck from the cone but it looks like it was older and has almost already healed and all the fur is missing there. I put him in his big cage so he could run and play and he is so happy to be moving freely! This is a trail run with him and ill be checking on him every 30 mins to make sure he hasn't started messing with his foot again. Keep your fingers crossed the cone doesn't have to go back on!!
Feb 22, 2021

 My Glider Nips and Crabs Constantly

Posted by: ppittman09
I have had my two sugar gliders for about 3 months now. I can say that our bond is really good! But one of my gliders craps and nips all the time. When I say she nips she doesn't bite really hard and it does not hurt that bad, but I would like it to stop. How can I teach her not to do this? And for the crabbing. She basically crabs when I am taking her out of her cage, unzipping or opening up pouches, and reaching in the pouch to scoop one up. She has never tried to bite me or lunge at me when this is happening. She just crabs really loudly and visiously, but once I get her and start giving her treats she stop and is completely fine. She like to be around me and likes to play with me its just when opening things up at reaching for them. My other glider is completely fine with it and basically never crabs or nips. Please give me tips on how to change this!
Feb 21, 2021

 Traveling: Cage or Pop Up Tent

Posted by: redhead174900
I'm planning on traveling with my glider for the first time and am looking for the best type of travel cage. Has anyone used a pop up tent for keeping their gliders in overnight? They seem easy to travel with and more spacious for them to play in but I worry they could chew through the mesh and get out. Does anyone have any experience with this?
Feb 18, 2021


Posted by: Sugar Glider
My sugar gliders is about 2 years old and last night she got out of her cage! I found her this morning and she was just dragging her legs behind her. Now she is extremely lethargic and is not eating or drinking. I have an appointment with the vet scheduled, but it is tomorrow and i don’t know if she will be ok then. Please help me!
Feb 17, 2021

 Diet and constipation help

Posted by: elenafudge
Hi I’m not sure if I’m putting this in the right place but I have a male neutered sugar glider he’s been alone since his partner passed away about a year ago and she passed because of hind leg. They were both on the same diet the last owner fed them peanut butter, dry oats, flax seed, and honey all blended and frozen with a side of peas and corn. I still fed that to him now I added a calcium powder to the batch and not given him corn since peas are his favorite. I serve this to him everyday with peas. Although was trying to give him apples, mangos, and cucumbers I saw that he was having a bit of lose stools that were very light brownish and yellow. So I stopped and continued with peas and the frozen cube. Now I see he is peeing all the time and I have not seen him poop in a while, I gave him mealworms just the other day to see if that will help. Around his privates they look a bit green I think it maybe from the peas rubbing on him as he crawls. Thank you for reading this please reply with any advice please.
Feb 12, 2021

 Cold weather

Posted by: Tshark
So in Texas right now its really cold like so cold the high on monday is 4 degrees and where i live the power goes out a ton this time of year so the problem is my sugar gliders are going to be without power and i was wondering is any or yall have suggestions for none electrical heat so far im thinking of putting their cages in a small room and lighting a bunch of none scented candles (and ofc ill be up to watch the fire) also another option is them staying in their bonding pouch on me but ik that would be absolute torture for them
Feb 1, 2021

 My sugar gliders aren’t bonding!!!! HELP!!!

Posted by: Qqueen.karii
I got a male and female sugar gliders over a year ago and try every day to bond them but they aren’t bonding. The male got neutered when I first got him. The female doesn’t show any aggression towards the male but the male always try’s to grab her and bite her.

How I bonded them:
I would have them in separate bonding pouches.
I would give them treats as I rub a their scent on each other with a sock.
Then I would let them smell each other’s tail and that’s when the male tries to grab and bit the female.

Please! I need ideas to help them!

Jan 30, 2021

 Sugar glider low on calcium

Posted by: xlaraxlorax
I have a female glider named Lola, she had two joeys (Consecutively) and during this time I had taken my other gliders to the vet for a check up. When it was her turn the doc said she was borderline MBD and prescribed a calcium supplement for her. She is not liking the smell/flavor of it at all and it is making me extremely nervous because I don’t want her to keep getting worse. I’ve tried putting honey and apple juice at the end of the syringe hoping she’d want it then, but it’s not working. I just recently heard about giving your glider tums when they’re low on calcium, so I was wondering how or if I should give it to her. Honestly any advice would help, I’m extremely worried about her and I don’t want her to get so low on calcium that she starts to get seizures. If anyone has any other products or know of the best way to give calcium to my little baby please let me know!
Jan 19, 2021

 Unneutered male sugar gliders

Posted by: hellohello
Hi! I have two unneutered sugar gliders. They have been living together with no much problems but these few days, the elder one started to make sexual advances to the younger male. I'm not sure if it's the right word but he keeps humping on the younger one when he's trying to sleep.

I'm thinking of bringing them both to neuter but due to the corona virus, I couldn't travel out of my district. I've separated them into different cages currently but I put the cages next to each other so that they won't feel lonely at night.

Before anything, when I bought the first sugar glider, I didn't know it was a male. I bought it thinking it was female. Yes, I got scammed.

Can anyone tell me which way of neuter is better and the side effects? How to take care of them after neutering them? Is it okay to neuter both of them together? Is the way I'm separating them okay? Please give me some advices. I'm scared I'm doing something wrong.
Jan 17, 2021

 Pairing gliders help

Posted by: Sully-shugie-mom
So, I have a pair of gliders that have been together for a wile now there both one year old and there a male female pair and the male is neutered
I’ve had both about a year
But recently I found another little one and was thinking of expanding my colony by one male glider of corse I’m going to neuter him before anything but I’d like some advice on colony

Is it safe to get another male or should I wait and get a male and female pair to add to the colony
Really appreciate your advice
Thank you
Jan 17, 2021

 Suggies in Colorado Springs?

Posted by: MuchLoveXoXo
Hey everyone! I’ve been looking to expand my colony of two for a while now but have been having such trouble finding another glider/s. I tried several Facebook groups but it’s against policy to sell animals... Anyway, thank you reading! I’m fine with emails and private messages :)


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