Where to start?

sugar glider
What is a sugar glider?
A sugar glider is a small, nocturnal, arboreal marsupial native to Australia and Indonesia.
Are sugar gliders a good pet for you?
As with any animal, sugar gliders have certain drawbacks that you should consider. Cleaning cages, costs, veterinary access, tempermant and more are all things to be considered. You can read more about the drawbacks of sugar gliders and find more information in the Gliderpedia.
What do I feed my sugar glider?
See Diet in the Gliderpedia.
Where can I learn more about this animal?
The Gliderpedia is a searchable encyclopedia full of information about sugar gliders.
Looking for a sugar glider?
Click here to find homeless sugar gliders.
Looking to buy a cage or other supplies?
We have some links to popular items for keeping sugar gliders as pets.
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Recent Photos

Sooo cute
by jaspersmom
by Skrapi2
My Grandaughter Eloise
by stephie.g
Sugar is a sweetheart!
by summbug
Elie, Kailya, & Joey
by Candiflip
Tails eating a grape
by chris_rc

Latest forum posts

My sugar glider have fungi!!
 Samar m says...
My sugar glider have fungi please hellp i want a drop medical for him and from where can i pay it
Rehoming a male sugar glider
 BatGirl says...
I'm down here in Crossville, TN and would be glad to let him join my neutered male and his female in their big cage (used to have three, but mom and dad passed away awhile back and got the neutered ...
Mossy Pet by 'thepetglider.com'
 BatGirl says...
OK -'Mossy Pet' does seem to work on cleaning the stained underside ~ ya just have to repeat cleaning several times/days to eventually clear up the stains. Doesn't do anything for dried-on feces...
Sugar glider's skin went yellow + other problems. Help, please.
 BatGirl says...
...curious about my dreams w/my deceased suggies - I never get to actually 'see' them in the dreamworld. Just their shenanigans and occasionally noticing in the corner of my eye their jumping/gliding....
Dental health?
 BatGirl says...
typically, an exotic pet vet will do the dental cleaning during an annual wellness exam - doing something yourself seems a good way to get bit...
Eye area swelling but it's NOT abscess
 BatGirl says...
is he living by himself, or with another/other suggies? may have got a scratch during a scrap... been a month now - hope he is better I've personally has an occluded gland, or blocked tear duct, in ...
How do I find out the father of my sugar glider?
 BatGirl says...
I'd just pick one male, neuter him, and put her and him in a separate cage - keep the other three males intact and in their own cage in case you'd want to breed more later with her or any of her daugh...
 BatGirl says...
some call it 'crabbing', but the sound is his growling - meaning he is uncomfortable with you / what you're doing. Your scent is strange. I bought some fleece gloves to use when handling my three sugg...
new male lower incisors long and wide apart
 BatGirl says...
...the other tusk was loose this morning, and is gone now - what's going on?!? Seems to accept them gone, and laps up a bit easier it seems ~
Male Sugar Glider - soft bulge or lump on stomach
 agoddess says...
Hi, My 10 yr old, fixed, male sugar glider has a soft bulge or lump on one side only. I wonder if this is normal, overweight? There have been no changes to his behaviour, diet, personality, excremen...

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Latest journal entries

Failed Intro.. help!!
 AlyBent says...
Hi everyone,
I am sorry for the long post ahead but I am in need of serious advice.
A little over a month ago, my boy (Bandito) lost his cage mate. I recently got two new gliders so that he wouldn’...
Skinny sugar glider??
 Luz blight says...
Hello! I’m new to owning sugar gliders and I just got my first two gliders five days ago. I got one neutered male who’s about 4-5 months old and a female that’s 9 months. They’ve been good about eatin...
Piper has glided from my heart to God's...
 BatGirl says...
Piper has glided from my heart to God's... joining her love Aerrow at the Rainbow Bridge, both waiting to join me after I've passed on.

Piper passed away lying next to her daughter Starling in thei...
Meet RADARR - Aerrow's co-pilot!
 BatGirl says...
My suggies are all named after the 'Storm Hawks' TV show about the Sky Knights. The Sky Knights drive motorcycles that they drive off of cliffs that then sprout wings and glide/fly. - remind you of su...
Aerrow's last momments
 BatGirl says...
he's lying on his side in my hand. so old and tired - his tremors have stopped. he jerks and stretches from time to time, off on his last glide into God's heart from mine. he was always the wisest an...
Mean Glider
 Gliderswift says...
Hi! I have two sugar gliders. One is an angel he follows me around and is eating all of the time cuddle bug never built me just the sweetest thing. While the other one is so mean any time I pick him u...
Hair dyed hair strand digested
 Nerodemo says...
Had a recent incident with one of my gliders raiden(11 years old) he seems ok now

I had my hair bleached and dyed a week back and I don't think it was toxic as much as permanent hair dye
New Joey mom, her poop looks strange
 Mc2304 says...
Hi, new Joey mom here! Our baby is 12 week old female and we just lover her so much. I’m just a little worried about some of her poop. Most of it looks totally normal but then a few pieces are round i...
 Ebony says...
What color babies can a standard gray and albino make??
 Ebony says...
What color babies will a classic and albino glider make??

Gliderpedia Changes

updatedVendorsAug 11
updatedLinksAug 11
 new Question/What kind of eucalyptus can my sugar glider eatMar 20
updatedSafe PlantsMar 16
updatedLawsOct 31
updatedRWDFeb 15


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